Long story short, our realtor (who we have know for a while and have bought/ sold multiple houses with) found out a few months ago that her mother had cancer. She moved her mother in with her and her family to take care of her and help her with treatments. They just found out the treatments aren't working and the cancer has spread.
So, I want to do something for them, but havent talked to them in about 5 months or so and dont visit their house (so taking dinner over is out) I thought of Schwan's, but dont know if they will be home for the delivery and I would hate for it to go bad. Wolferman's sounded good, but didnt really like any of their baskets.
DH suggested buying a gift card and mailing it, but I kinda want them to have something in hand as a convienence. WDYT? Suggestions?
Re: Recs Nded: Friends of family dealing with illness
I really think a gift card for a restaurant (esp. one that delivers) is a nice touch. That way they can eat it at their convenience. Also, when my grandfather died, someone brought over a big package of paper plates, cups and plastic utensils and it was so nice, thoughtful and useful. We had enough to deal with without doing dishes. Just a thought.
I think a plant or flowers is always a nice add-on gift, too.