Well my family is throwing my shower and since the holidays are coming up i agree that it would be good to wait til after to have the shower but my doctor said LO is always over the developing milestone and she could possibly com early.. how soon should the date be if im 25 weeks? im scared i wont have anything for her bc our families are getting everything and what if she comes and i have nothing!!! yikes!!
Re: Shower Date?
Having a shower next week (33wks) , one at 35 wks , and at 37 weeks. It just kind-of worked out that way. Didn't want a shower until after 30 weeks....just my insecurity.
My shower is Nov 28th too and I'll be 31 weeks. I think you'll be fine regardless, they never know for sure if you'll be early or just how early you'll be. I'd probably have sooner though than later just in case.
yeah im not sure what to do lol we have her bed she is sleeping in our room and we clothes and stuff but the majority is being bought by family bc this is the first girl born on my side and the first baby to be born on my husbands side that the mom didnt try to hid it from them lol