Doesn't she realize that the "-sion" makes the "shun" sound?... like in the words vision or demonstration. So, really, she's naming her daughter Addy-shun. DUH.
Doesn't she realize that the "-sion" makes the "shun" sound?... like in the words vision or demonstration. So, really, she's naming her daughter Addy-shun. DUH.
This exactly.
Sadie is not impressed. "This ribbon has been reported." - lovesnina
Re: My friend is so weird...
Doesn't she realize that the "-sion" makes the "shun" sound?... like in the words vision or demonstration. So, really, she's naming her daughter Addy-shun. DUH.
This exactly.
"This ribbon has been reported." - lovesnina
LOL This was really funny to me just now!
But I agree that I would never see that and think Addison.
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hahaha this is so true!
I agree with this. I would get as many friends as possible to point out the spelling error and convince her to change it.