
wow, the costume for DD's dance recital

is $76! That seems a bit insane, right (she's 2; will be 3 in a couple weeks).

Re: wow, the costume for DD's dance recital

  • Ouch!  Do they get to wear it for several recitals? 
  • I was reading about that on a local dance school's website.  Something about how the costumes go anywhere from $50-100.  I think it's a bit much for a 3 year old's costume.

    Well, I guess she'll have a really expensive dress up outfit for after.

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  • I think it's just the one recital D-mom.

    And Sum, could be the norm, but it's outrageous to me!

  • Totally normal, and totally crazy.  It costs a small fortune to take dance lessons.
  • That sounds about the norm.  DD's last costume was supposed to be $65 but ended up only being $50.  It included tights (good tights we are still using) and accessories.  I felt like I was handing out money hand over fist during recital time....programs, tickets, pictures, videos etc.  What's worse is that DD's class was on stage for like 5 whole minutes.

     She is in ballet and tap this year and I am dreading two costumes.   There were parents there that had kids with 3 or 4 costumes, some even had little rolling garment racks....CRAZY!!!

  • Not so much.  That is the cost of 9.5 ballet classes for DD.  Crazy.
  • Halees is 75 so I know how you feel
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  • They want $60 for DD's and we have to order it 8 months before the recital.
    DD born 2007 & DS born 2008
  • Ours were $25 and they wore it for 2 recitals and it could be passed down to younger sibs because that age group wears the same one every year. 
  • I paid about that much last year, but it included two separate costumes, one for tap and one for ballet. I still had to buy tights and matching shoes though.
  • My sister pays between 75-125 for all of my neices recital outfits. They are soo cute though!
  • imagemlm1128:
    Totally normal, and totally crazy.  It costs a small fortune to take dance lessons.

    Ditto. My step-sister has been dancing since she was 2, and her parents spent a small fortune on costumes over the years.

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  • Crazy but that is how it is here too. DD was going to start ballet and it was $75 just for the outfit she had to wear to class plus you had to buy a recital oufit too. Lucky for me she chose to just do gymnastics.
    Abigail Marie 6/30/06 Benjamin Charles 5/30/09 image
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