was NERVOUS, even though I knew I wanted to do it, but it was no big deal at all, and I LOVE my new length!! Plus, I feel really good about donating hair, especially seeing everything Marieke went through these past few months. Sooo, here ya go:
During: YIKES!!
Re: Donated 9 in. of hair to Pantene Beautiful Lengths today!! (Pics!)
You look beautiful and what a great thing to do!!!
I wish my hair would grow that long, but it starts splitting and breaking if it gets even a little bit below my shoulders. bah!
Thanks guys! I normally don't let it get THAT long, it's just too much hair for me, but when I realized I only needed 8 inches for Pantene, and that I was planning to chop about 5 1/2 anyway, I decided to let it grow the rest of the way so I could do it.
Once it was off my head though, it was grossing me out. Blech, it's like a giant rat sitting there in a plastic bag. Really gross . . . LOL!Good for you! You have gorgeous hair and you look great with the short cut!
I would SO love to do something like that, but no one and I mean no one would want my thin-as-a-newborns-hair...I can't grow it out long enough anyway.
Your hair is beautiful long or short!
I donated mine after our wedding and again after DD2 was born. It is about an every 4 year process for me. LOL!
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church