
I'm gonna lose it!!!

If I already haven't!!


DS is at that stage where he is rolling over and what looks like ... trying to crawl ... He gets so excited and fusses when he can't get anywhere.  He doesn't wanna sit in the bumbo, exercauser or his play mat. He WANTS me to hold him in the stand position on my lap ... this is great and all and I know he's learning ... but I HAVE ANOTHER baby too!  I put DS down to get to DD and he screams this horrible blood curdling high pitch scream (I'm surprised it doesn't break glass) 


so .... where can I buy another set of arms to have surgically attached to my body? 

Re: I'm gonna lose it!!!

  • Doesn't BRU sell them? I'm pretty sure I've seen them somewhere! :)


  • When you find them let me know.  Until he was 3 months old I swore J thought he was an only child and would not let me put him down, only nap on me etc. He's better now, phew!

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  • I know what you mean!  one of my boys "thinks" he knows how to sit unassisted (but he can't) and that is the only position he wants to be in.  He does like the bumpo but we got it free and it doesn't have a tray so when he sits in it he can't reach his toys.  talk about frustrating!

    Do you have a  jumperoo?  my other boy is a stander and likes that more then the exersaucer b/c he is standing and can pretend walk more in it.

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