I like the sound of Wren but would spell it Ren or have a longer name (Renee, Renata, Lauren) and use Ren as a nn. But if you love Wren and want to use it go for it! I LOVE that its not a super popular name?
I voted "meh" 'cause I dont HATE the name but I don't really like it either. I think it sounds like a boring nickname. Also, I know a Wren, and he's a dude.
may i suggest switching them around..? it seems to flow better. an btw i love the name wren.. but thats probably just because that was my favorite teacher in highschool... she realy meant a lot to me.. she helped me through so much
Meh, not something I would pick. We had a Sparrow in our prenatal class and I'm just not sure if I like the bird names for humans. I know flowers are used all the time but not really my pick.
I have a Wren in my family. It is a traditional Gaelic name,although very rarely used. My cousin loved her name. She liked that no one had it and that she wasn't one of the millions of Ashleys in the world.
I don't think it is a bad name. I don't love it but I don't think it is terrible either. In fact I think it is better than half the crap I read on here.
It's a little out there for my tastes, but I can see how the name sounds pretty. It makes me think of hippies.
Have you thought about Brynn? It has a very similar sound to Wren.
Or even Bren? Still a little different but I think it sounds prettier. I do love the name Brynn- it's one of my girl options. And it would be Brynn Elizabeth too.
Elizabeth Wren might work, but Wren as a first name hurts my ears. I think of the cartoon Ren & Stimpy. If you really like the sound of Wren, maybe consider the name Lauren and use Wren (or "Ren", I guess) as a nickname?
Re: Poll: Girls name
Not a fan of Wren :-(
may i suggest switching them around..? it seems to flow better. an btw i love the name wren.. but thats probably just because that was my favorite teacher in highschool... she realy meant a lot to me.. she helped me through so much
I have a Wren in my family. It is a traditional Gaelic name,although very rarely used. My cousin loved her name. She liked that no one had it and that she wasn't one of the millions of Ashleys in the world.
I don't think it is a bad name. I don't love it but I don't think it is terrible either. In fact I think it is better than half the crap I read on here.
It's a little out there for my tastes, but I can see how the name sounds pretty. It makes me think of hippies.
Have you thought about Brynn? It has a very similar sound to Wren.
Or even Bren? Still a little different but I think it sounds prettier. I do love the name Brynn- it's one of my girl options. And it would be Brynn Elizabeth too.
I have to agree
Carina 12.28.2010 | Aurelia 9.23.12 | Chart - Round 3
I like it.
And I don't think of Ren & Stimpy, I think of Wren, the character from the old Disney Show 'Even Stevens'.
I'm slightly embarassed by that. Haha.