I just got back from the pedi with DS2. He's been having weird twitches/spasms where he drops his head down sporadically and sometimes repeatedly. A week or so ago, he had the "spasm" while crawling and it caused him to fall flat to the floor, seemingly losing control of his body.
His doctor isn't terribly concerned since he is on track developmentally and physically, but after seeing the video and hearing me describe what happens, he wants him to have an EEG since if it's not nothing, it's likely very serious.
My rational self thinks it's probably nothing and I'm overreacting...my mommy gut thinks there's something not quite right.
Re: :( My baby has to have an EEG.
I had numerous EEGs as a kid. Aside from my mom having to keep me up for ages so that I would sleep during the test, it was no big deal at all. The worst part was getting the adhesive from the leads out of my hair.
I hope that it's nothing. If it is something, it's better to know so that you can deal with it.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
Next Friday.
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
I would be worried/scared/anxious too...it's your baby! How can you not worry?
I hope it's nothing and take care!
Oh my goodness, that stinks! Poor AJ!!!!
But I'm glad they got you in fairly quick! My friend who's daughter has to have EEG's has the hardest time getting her DD in...like once they wanted her to wait 2 months and she ended up taking her DD to the ER so she could get it done sooner!!!
Def. be thinking of you guys and you better post when its done!
Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}