Two Under 2

Which double jogging stroller do you like?

Preferrably under $250..thank you!

Re: Which double jogging stroller do you like?

  • if you really jog, you're best bet is finding a gently used BOB or Baby Jogger on Craigslist.  A friend found one for about $150... couple of years old, but smoother ride than a new baby trend.  the new baby trend is around $200.  It is crap. I tried a new one out in store... flimsy.  I had a single baby trend expedition that I loved...  but the double was aweful.  I don't jog ... just walk long walks with the kids and a dog. I use a Phil & Ted sport with doubles seat.  my kids love it, I can push it one handed.  and I use it in mall and for every day.  I did jog a 5K with it... but I don't think you're supposed to.  If you're a jogger.. go for a great brand used.  most hold up really well. 
  • If you really want it for running, I highly recommend the Baby Jogger Performance series.  I already have the double of this and use it for just DS #1 (I got an amazing deal on a used one).  It is pretty expensive new, so CL or consignment is the way to go.  If you find one, snatch it up.
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