
Looks like a c-section for me ::Thumbs down::

I'm 36 weeks tomorrow we had an ultrasound today to check growth and position, baby A is still Tails down, heads up. They were in the exact same position that they were in last time we had an ultrasound, so it's looking like they are pretty comfy where they are at. :( Have any of you had one turn this late in the pregnancy??

We scheduled an ultrasound for the 20th, and I want them to have plently of time to grow, but I'm also so anxious to meet them, and not be pregnant anymore!! Guess they are trying to teach me patience already! Just to clarify, I am completely overjoyed that I have two healthy babies in there, I'm not trying to complain!! :)

Re: Looks like a c-section for me ::Thumbs down::

  • Mine actually changed sides of my stomach around 37 weeks.  So it is possible. 
  • anything is possible!

    and just to maybe make you feel better- I LOVED my c/s so much more than my vaginal birth (i had a bad tear)... the c/s with the twins was so much faster to heal from - and easier to get through with delivery :)

    good luck!

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  • My Baby B turned 5 times between 31w and delivery at 37w6d, but Baby A stayed in place pretty much the whole third tri (vertex).
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • my little guy turned in the matter of 3 days so its still possible. i had a c section and loved it. now ive never given birth vaginally but im not sure what all the stigma with a c section is. i found it easy to recover from and hell im not into pain so i thought it was great. dont stress, however it works out you will have two little tiny awesome babies and thats what matters. 
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