
the on going saga...talked to the TEACHER

Yes, there's more. :::sigh::: I talked to the teacher when I picked DS up. The director (the one I'd spoke to all day) was gone, but the teacher was still there. She says, DS is pretty much a typical 2 yr old, he doesn't listen all the time, has to be reminded to do the right thing, and sometimes get mad and hits. He's not the worst in the class though. Then she dropped a bomb on me.... "I'm not sure I'm supposed to be telling you this, but we didn't see him do it. He wasn't holding the scissors, and there was no blood on the scissors. he was standing about 4ft away from the scissors. The only reason we say he did it is because the child said "Jake cut me. But when we asked Jake about it, he had no idea what we were talking about. Usually when Jake does something wrong, he sticks his lip out and looks down-total guilty look." My mouth dropped open. Seriously?!?! OH, and those cameras-- yeah, they didn't catch it, it happened off camera.

Holy crap people, could you PLEASE get the story straight before blaming people and starting ***?!?! I refused to sign the incident report, I said I would talk to the director in the morning. The teacher was REALLY nice, answered every question I asked, and is totally on board with the notebook thing. She was being flat out honest...


oh, and I asked DS about it tonight, it took a lot of "asking the right question" but basically he would repeat what I said. "Jake, did you hit today?" I hit Keeley. (friend that he did NOT see today) "jake, did you hurt _otherkidsname_ today?" "i cut _name_ cheek with scissors" "jake, did you throw ice cream today?" I throwed ice cream. ok, seriously? this kid will say anything he's told...



The original post:

Post #2/update:

Post #3/director again:

Post #4/talked to teacher: current post.

Re: the on going saga...talked to the TEACHER

  • Scissorgate 2009. . . the saga continues. . .

    Ugh, I'm so sorry you're going through this!

    imageimage Ashley Sawtelle Photography
  • I'm just catching up, but what an awful situation. If they didn't see what really happened, then they shouldn't have started the whole thing.

    So sorry you have to deal with this.

    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
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  • imagehikerbeth:

    Scissorgate 2009. . . the saga continues. . .

    Ugh, I'm so sorry you're going through this!

    yeah, sorry...I'm trying to not be annoying with it, but they keep changing the story or telling me more. Ugh.
  • Wow. Just wow. So they made a huge deal out of this (when, again, I would blame him being unsupervised more than anything, but even then kids do stuff. As the teacher said, this is normal toddler behavior, especially if they're given things that are dangerous for two year olds to play with- but, I digress) when they don't even know whether Jake did this or not? That's so wrong. I would be livid.


    Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
    "Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
  • imageamiamish:

    Scissorgate 2009. . . the saga continues. . .

    Ugh, I'm so sorry you're going through this!

    yeah, sorry...I'm trying to not be annoying with it, but they keep changing the story or telling me more. Ugh.

    Sorry, you are NOT annoying.  I can't believe that this just keeps getting crazier and crazier.  I didn't mean to make light of it. . . hang in there!

    imageimage Ashley Sawtelle Photography
  • Scissorgate, love it. you are not annoying at ALL!
  • imagehikerbeth:

    Scissorgate 2009. . . the saga continues. . .

    Ugh, I'm so sorry you're going through this!

    yeah, sorry...I'm trying to not be annoying with it, but they keep changing the story or telling me more. Ugh.

    Sorry, you are NOT annoying.  I can't believe that this just keeps getting crazier and crazier.  I didn't mean to make light of it. . . hang in there!

    I'm ok with the jokes :) The whole situation is just funny, yet frustrating...

  • I honestly cannot believe this director. I would be beyond pissed. Good luck tomorrow.
  • Poor Ami!? I'm so upset for you right now!??

    You're not posting too much, I think all the nesties want updates on this.? :)

  • imageDandelionMom:
    Poor Ami!  I'm so upset for you right now!  

    You're not posting too much, I think all the nesties want updates on this.  :)


    thanks girls!! You are helping me vent and maintain my sanity.
  • That is crazy.  When you first posted this morning I told DH that I bet the teacher didn't actually know what happened and they just went with what the kid was saying.  I am really sorry that you and your DS are in this situation and I hope it gets cleared up soon.
    Kelly, Mom to Noah 8.27.05 (born at 26 weeks)
  • OH! I forgot, my SIL asked my niece what happen -- that girl will tell you every detail. She said "Jake and _otherchild_ fighting for the chair. _otherchild_got hit." So...there's another perspective...
  • They didn't see it???!!!??? I would be livid if I were you. I am so sorry you are dealing with this. I think you did the right thing by not signing the incident report. Ridiculous!!
  • I would be so flipping pissed.

    Good luck with wading through all of the b.s.?

    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • NOW the scissors are out UNSUPERVISED???????  Ohhhhhh heelllllzzzz no!!!!  I'd be so livid.  SOOOO livid! 

    So, your son gets blamed for an incident that may or may not have happened.  Then gets labeled get judged for possibly giving him sugar and being the cause.....and you need to have your son seen by a specialist.

    YET, the scissors were 4 feet away.


  • imageDandR: NOW the scissors are out UNSUPERVISED???????  Ohhhhhh heelllllzzzz no!!!!  I'd be so livid.  SOOOO livid! 

    So, your son gets blamed for an incident that may or may not have happened.  Then gets labeled get judged for possibly giving him sugar and being the cause.....and you need to have your son seen by a specialist.

    YET, the scissors were 4 feet away.


    hahah-- DandR, you're hired. Come represent! :)

  • I'm sorry.  I just have to laugh.  This is just an on-going drama.  Two-year-olds will say whatever you tell them to say.  That's just ridiculous to think your DS did it just because a two-year-old said so.  I didn't think anyone would take a two-year-old's word for anything.  What if the kid cut himself?  Or banged his head on the table?

    FWIW, when DD#1 was bit last year, she told the teachers, the director and me all the same child bit her.  The one she said bit her was one of about four who could have.  (They were playing in a tunnel near the slide so no one could see them.)  I was told that despite this, they couldn't talk to the child's parents because no adult saw it happen...and all four girls claimed to have bitten DD#1.  Kids that age will say what they think you want to hear.  I totally understood that and while I believed DD and the teachers did keep a closer eye on the child, there was nothing they could do.  No big deal.  I know it wasn't blood or anything, but still.  They're two.  You have to expect some sort of accidents or injuries...and they're not old enough to really tell you what happened.

  • imageCiarrai:

    I'm sorry.  I just have to laugh.  This is just an on-going drama.  Two-year-olds will say whatever you tell them to say.  That's just ridiculous to think your DS did it just because a two-year-old said so.  I didn't think anyone would take a two-year-old's word for anything.  What if the kid cut himself?  Or banged his head on the table?

    FWIW, when DD#1 was bit last year, she told the teachers, the director and me all the same child bit her.  The one she said bit her was one of about four who could have.  (They were playing in a tunnel near the slide so no one could see them.)  I was told that despite this, they couldn't talk to the child's parents because no adult saw it happen...and all four girls claimed to have bitten DD#1.  Kids that age will say what they think you want to hear.  I totally understood that and while I believed DD and the teachers did keep a closer eye on the child, there was nothing they could do.  No big deal.  I know it wasn't blood or anything, but still.  They're two.  You have to expect some sort of accidents or injuries...and they're not old enough to really tell you what happened.

    I couldn't agree more.
  • And I'll state matter what happened, this is on the teacher(s) and center, not a little boy.  They're two!!! 
  • imageCiarrai:
    And I'll state matter what happened, this is on the teacher(s) and center, not a little boy.  They're two!!! 
    yes, this is what I'm really sticking to also... they are trying to cover their own ass...I'm not playing into it OR brushing it off.
  • that is horrible.  poor Jake.

    Congratulations to you on the new baby!

  • imagesweetie1528:

    that is horrible.  poor Jake.

    Congratulations to you on the new baby!

    thank you!

  • imageamiamish:
    And I'll state matter what happened, this is on the teacher(s) and center, not a little boy.  They're two!!! 
    yes, this is what I'm really sticking to also... they are trying to cover their own ass...I'm not playing into it OR brushing it off.

    They're trying to cover their @ss by blaming a two-year-old.  That is not acceptable in anyone's book. 

  • imageCiarrai:

    And I'll state matter what happened, this is on the teacher(s) and center, not a little boy.  They're two!!! 
    yes, this is what I'm really sticking to also... they are trying to cover their own ass...I'm not playing into it OR brushing it off.

    They're trying to cover their @ss by blaming a two-year-old.  That is not acceptable in anyone's book. 

    his daycare days are limited. The end is in sight... :) Then he'll start a new preschool program 2 or 3 days a week at a school next August. I can't wait for January to get here!

  • Scissorgate 2009... I love it!

    There are too many things wrong with this incident:

    1) No one saw Jake do it but they are quick to blame because another 2 y/o said so? That kid could have done it himself but was afraid he'd get in trouble so he coul have blamed someone else

    2) The teacher ratio is SO off for two year olds. I couldn't have that ration with the school-aged kids

    3) At this point, it is moot to discuss it with Jake as he probably does not remember anyway.

    I am so sorry you are going through this! I've had very frustrating incidents with our daycare, too, which doesn't make it a bad one, just problems they need to sort out.

    My biggest question... why was there 1 teacher for 16 kids? If anything, a floater should have been in the room if the other teacher was on break.

  • imagePearlieGirl'sMom:

    Scissorgate 2009... I love it!

    There are too many things wrong with this incident:

    1) No one saw Jake do it but they are quick to blame because another 2 y/o said so? That kid could have done it himself but was afraid he'd get in trouble so he coul have blamed someone else

    2) The teacher ratio is SO off for two year olds. I couldn't have that ration with the school-aged kids

    3) At this point, it is moot to discuss it with Jake as he probably does not remember anyway.

    I am so sorry you are going through this! I've had very frustrating incidents with our daycare, too, which doesn't make it a bad one, just problems they need to sort out.

    My biggest question... why was there 1 teacher for 16 kids? If anything, a floater should have been in the room if the other teacher was on break.

    There were 2 teachers in the room, one was with the kids but turned her back and the other was some where else in the room working on lesson plans. However, I've always thought 1 teacher and 8 2yr olds is a bit high, but licensing allows it.

  • I read your posts yesterday but didn't get a chance to respond. Definitely keep updating us! I'd like to know how they're going to fix the mess they made.

    The whole situation is a mess. I would be so frustrated. A 2.5 yo isn't going to be able to tell you exactly what happened. If there were 16 kids with scissors, someone should have been watching them. The kid could have been referring to the fighting over the chair like your niece said when he said Jake hurt him. The scissors could have been a completely different incident. There's no way to know if there was no supervision! Something doesn't add up.

    Did you talk to the teacher that was doing lesson plans or the one that was supposed to be watching the kids?

    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
    Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
    Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
  • imageAngela814:

    I read your posts yesterday but didn't get a chance to respond. Definitely keep updating us! I'd like to know how they're going to fix the mess they made.

    The whole situation is a mess. I would be so frustrated. A 2.5 yo isn't going to be able to tell you exactly what happened. If there were 16 kids with scissors, someone should have been watching them. The kid could have been referring to the fighting over the chair like your niece said when he said Jake hurt him. The scissors could have been a completely different incident. There's no way to know if there was no supervision! Something doesn't add up.

    Did you talk to the teacher that was doing lesson plans or the one that was supposed to be watching the kids?

    I think she was the one that was supposed to be watching the kids. Because she said "I came over here to get the 'H' papers for them, and in that moment the incident happened."

  • That is insane!  They should have just written up the report, left other kids out of it and told the injured child's parent that their child got hurt today.  End of story!  What a clusterfvck!
    DS1 age 7, DD age 5 and DS2 born 4/3/12
  • omg wtf?! 
    My babies!! Patrick Aydin, 9.24.07, and Alia Noor, 6.1.11 imageimage
  • imageshouldbworkin:
    That is insane!  They should have just written up the report, left other kids out of it and told the injured child's parent that their child got hurt today.  End of story! 

    What a clusterfvck!

    Now that would have been GREAT! Maybe tell me the other kid SAYS DS did it, but since there's no proof, they're just going to keep an eye on him. MAN!-that would have been SOOOO much easier to handle.

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