Ok - all the showers we have ever had with our family and friends have been co-ed. And we really want to make ours co-ed as well. We feel DH's friends are just as excited and want to celebrate just as much my friends and I have a couple of guys friends who are very excited for us as well. And we don't want to leave these people out.
My best friend told me she was throwing me a shower - because she wanted to check about dates. And I'm certain she's making it co-ed.
The only thing is co-ed showers tend to be kind of big. And I know she isn't doing all that well financially. She's under-employed and recently moved back in with her parents to save $$.
Would it be very bad ettiqutte to offer to help her pay for the shower?
No flames please. I know throwing your own shower is tacky. I agree. I just feel like my best friend is taking on a commitment that may be beyond her means. I told her to keep it simple and casual - nothing fancy but all the same it will cost a bit.
If offering to help with the cost is bad - any other suggestions?
Re: Etiquette question
~Benjamin Franklin
DS dx with celiac disease 5/28/10
Three suggestions:
1) Have a family member call her and offer to pay (of course you can pay the family member) -- more likely she'll take a family member up on it than you.
2) Offer to do something to help out without mentioning money...for instance, "I don't want you to have to this by yourself....can I do the favors to help out?" That takes one expense off her plate.
3) Give her a big gift certificate to somplace she regularly spends money as a thank-you. (Specialty grocery store, Target, Starbucks, or just a Simon malls or an AmEx gift certificate.) This will help make up for what she spent by helping her out with daily expenses.
Good luck!