
Help me have a better day...

I slept like crap, Mia is sick, I fell down the stairs this morning, have a lunch meeting where no lunch is being provided, etc, etc, etc.

So can someone help me figure out how to get my pics side-by-side? That would REALLY turn things around for me. ;)

ETA: And I LOVE all the halloween costume pics! Everyone looks great!

Mia (6~24~06) & Jillian (6~29~09)

Re: Help me have a better day...

  • So sorry you're having a bad day!  Your babies look adorable, though.

    My pics are sized to 200 px wide, and then I put this code between the two tinyurls:  

  • oh no, did you hurt yourself when you fell?
  • Loading the player...
  • Thanks Joseys! Did you see my page to you the other day about Cohen? For some reason he reminds me so much of Jilli! Love them both!

    Tony - I already feel sore all over, especially my right leg and wrist, but nothing serious. Thankfully I just had a handful of bags and wasn't holding Jilli at the time.

    Mia (6~24~06) & Jillian (6~29~09)
  • imageVivaAmore:

    Thanks Joseys! Did you see my page to you the other day about Cohen? For some reason he reminds me so much of Jilli! Love them both!

    Tony - I already feel sore all over, especially my right leg and wrist, but nothing serious. Thankfully I just had a handful of bags and wasn't holding Jilli at the time.

    No, I didn't!  But you know, I have thought the exact same thing before.  That pro pic you had of the two girls on your laps...she really reminded me of him.  I think maybe it's their eyes and the shape of their faces. 

  • Are you hosting your pics at Shutterfly?  I think that's why there is that white space around them.  I use photobucket, and it doesn't do that.
  • imagejoseysbride:

    Thanks Joseys! Did you see my page to you the other day about Cohen? For some reason he reminds me so much of Jilli! Love them both!

    Tony - I already feel sore all over, especially my right leg and wrist, but nothing serious. Thankfully I just had a handful of bags and wasn't holding Jilli at the time.

    No, I didn't!  But you know, I have thought the exact same thing before.  That pro pic you had of the two girls on your laps...she really reminded me of him.  I think maybe it's their eyes and the shape of their faces. 

    Yes and their skin tone too. And their goofy-ish smiles!  (ah, it's Shutterfly) Thanks.

    Mia (6~24~06) & Jillian (6~29~09)
  • oh honey, sorry you're having a rough day :( Sorry Mia is sick and you fell down :( Are you ok?


    I can see them side by side now, hope you day goes better from now! 

  • Love your Little Mermaid and Flounder.

    Sorry you're having a sucky day. It is such a Monday and add in my Halloween Hangover (from the candy of course) and the time change ... it can't go by fast enough.

    And a lunch meeting w/o lunch. Just wrong, plain wrong.

    Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}
  • OMG the costumes came out awesome! PIP some bigger pics! Sorry you are having a crap day. I hope you aren't too sore. We send you tons of hugs!
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