
Input on scooter for 3 y/o girl

On a futile quest for a Big Wheel for DD's 3rd birthday next week, I came across a scooter on sale so I grabbed it.  I don't know much about them for this age though, does your child have one?  Do they like it?  Or should I keep trying to find a Big Wheel or something similar?  Thanks for any advice!

Re: Input on scooter for 3 y/o girl

  • We are getting one for 3 year old dd for Christmas. If it has the 2 wheels on one end and the single wheel on the other than it is age appropriate and a great gift. The single wheel in the front and back is not good for this age.
  • If it's one of the 3 wheeled scooters she should be ok with using it while wearing a helmet and knee/elbow pads.

    If it's a 2 wheeled scooter she is way to young for it.

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  • I bought the 3 wheel one for my dd's 4th birthday.  She hasn't gotten it yet because her birthday is 11/25 but I did buy elbow, wrist, knee pads and she'll wear a helmet.  I think the 2 wheel kind is not good for my dd at this age.
  • Carter has the 3 wheeled scooter and he wears a helmet with it.  If it's a 2 wheel one then she'll be too young for it and I'd either go for the 3 wheel one or get a bike.
  • Gracie is 3 and has a 3-wheel scooter.  She can't do much with it but she likes to play with it in the driveway. 
  • It is a 3 wheel one for ages 3+ and tricked out princess style, so it should work. She has a helmet but I think I'll invest in knee and elbow/wrist pads as well. Thanks!
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