
hide and seek with a 2.5 year old

For the past couple of weeks DH has been teaching DS to play hide and seek.  Yesterday it entertained them both for almost 2 hours. Over and over and over again.  (says a little something about DH's maturity level, right?)

Here's how it goes:

When DH is hiding:

DS: One, two, free, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, firteen, eighteen, here I come.

DS:  Daddy, where are ya?  I can't find you, come out now.  (starts disolving into tears)

DH giving clues from his hiding place:  Sammy, look in the (current hiding place)

DS:  I found you, I win!

When DS is hiding:

DH counts

DS:  Here I am!  (and jumps out from hiding place) 

It cracks me up every time.

Susie, mom to DS 4/10/07 and DD 3/6/09 (MC 9/05, 2/06) Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Re: hide and seek with a 2.5 year old

  • That's what DS does.He hides and then immediately runs out yelling "HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Then says "I sneaked! I sneaked!".Too funny.
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  • That sounds just lime my 2.5yo son- we can't get him to stay hidden at all!  I love it :)
    ~Melissa~ married to Cris 08.13.04 mom to Tyler 01.12.07 donate to my cause
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  • That is exactly how K plays, too!  She yells out this panicked "Daddy?!  DADDY!??!" and is almost in tears within 5 seconds, doesn't even look for him, and then declares herself the winner when he emerges. Looks like she's part of a large-scale hide & seek shark operation!
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