North Carolina Babies


Any of you local NC ladies happen to be active runners post-baby? Just wanted to talk to someone about strollers and baby joggers with someone who runs with theirs (as opposed to fitness walking or cross-training.) The Fitness & Nutrition boards haven't yielded many results. 

Thanks in advance! 

Re: Runners?

  • I run with my 5mo old in the baby jogger occasionally, but I have a really old jogger I got at a consignment sale...
  • I run with my daughter who is now 20 months, and have done so since she was a baby. I have the BOB revolution - and LOVE it!  I bought the infant seat adapter for when she was little and had her in the car seat, It then converts to a snack tray after which to be honest we haven't attached yet. It is so easy to maneuver. I run holding it with just one hand. Techincally you are suppose to run with the front wheel "fixed" but I always leave it on swivel.  We run Lake Johnson in Raleigh which is just under 3 miles at least 3 times a week.  Pricy stroller, but worth it. I waited for REI to have a 20 percent off sale and bought it then. Let me know if you have any other questions.  It's also my stroller of choice for walks in the neightborhood since it's just so smooth of a ride. I only use my Maclaren for the mall or traveling.
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  • I'd love a BOB.  But my cousin gave us her old Baby Trend jogger that was barely used, so I can't argue with free.  Smile   It works pretty well. It's not exactly light as a feather, but I like to think I'm adding a bit of a resistance workout when I run with it!
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  • imageXtraKristi:
    I run with my daughter who is now 20 months, and have done so since she was a baby. I have the BOB revolution - and LOVE it!  I bought the infant seat adapter for when she was little and had her in the car seat, It then converts to a snack tray after which to be honest we haven't attached yet. It is so easy to maneuver. I run holding it with just one hand. Techincally you are suppose to run with the front wheel "fixed" but I always leave it on swivel.  We run Lake Johnson in Raleigh which is just under 3 miles at least 3 times a week.  Pricy stroller, but worth it. I waited for REI to have a 20 percent off sale and bought it then. Let me know if you have any other questions.  It's also my stroller of choice for walks in the neightborhood since it's just so smooth of a ride. I only use my Maclaren for the mall or traveling.


    Quick question - how young was LO when you were able to put her in the BOB?  I want to start running again about 6 wks after I deliver but I read that you can't put the baby in the BOB until about 3-4 months...

  • imagesramasunder:

    I run with my daughter who is now 20 months, and have done so since she was a baby. I have the BOB revolution - and LOVE it!  I bought the infant seat adapter for when she was little and had her in the car seat, It then converts to a snack tray after which to be honest we haven't attached yet. It is so easy to maneuver. I run holding it with just one hand. Techincally you are suppose to run with the front wheel "fixed" but I always leave it on swivel.  We run Lake Johnson in Raleigh which is just under 3 miles at least 3 times a week.  Pricy stroller, but worth it. I waited for REI to have a 20 percent off sale and bought it then. Let me know if you have any other questions.  It's also my stroller of choice for walks in the neightborhood since it's just so smooth of a ride. I only use my Maclaren for the mall or traveling.


    Quick question - how young was LO when you were able to put her in the BOB?  I want to start running again about 6 wks after I deliver but I read that you can't put the baby in the BOB until about 3-4 months...

     Sorry I didn't see this until now, I want to say she was about 2 months. I def. waited until she had head control.  Since I only ran Lake Johnson with her when she was that little  (which is paved) I just made sure I was extra careful.  When we got to the wooden bridge or bumpy parts I would just slow down a tad. Honestly I felt that the Bob was smoother than a regular walking stroller, so didn't really stress over putting her in it younger than their recommended age. Plus she's in a carseat attached to it, so it's like riding in a car. I wasn't breaking any land speed records so can't speak for anything like that but for my normal every day jog it was fine.  If you haven't tried a Bob yet, go to REI and just take one out in the parking lot. It truly is amazingly easy to maneuver, and smooth!

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