Any of you local NC ladies happen to be active runners post-baby? Just wanted to talk to someone about strollers and baby joggers with someone who runs with theirs (as opposed to fitness walking or cross-training.) The Fitness & Nutrition boards haven't yielded many results.
Thanks in advance!
Re: Runners?
Catching up on sports news...
Quick question - how young was LO when you were able to put her in the BOB? I want to start running again about 6 wks after I deliver but I read that you can't put the baby in the BOB until about 3-4 months...
Sorry I didn't see this until now, I want to say she was about 2 months. I def. waited until she had head control. Since I only ran Lake Johnson with her when she was that little (which is paved) I just made sure I was extra careful. When we got to the wooden bridge or bumpy parts I would just slow down a tad. Honestly I felt that the Bob was smoother than a regular walking stroller, so didn't really stress over putting her in it younger than their recommended age. Plus she's in a carseat attached to it, so it's like riding in a car. I wasn't breaking any land speed records so can't speak for anything like that but for my normal every day jog it was fine. If you haven't tried a Bob yet, go to REI and just take one out in the parking lot. It truly is amazingly easy to maneuver, and smooth!