I wish I would have just taken the plunge and bought the wipe warmer. Carson HATES cold wipes! I had to send DH out to get one. I wish we would have had a peepee teepee, we have been peed on so many times, I actually went out today and bought this.
Soothies are great! Carson loves them! I accidentally bought him the 3+ month ones, so I also bought more soothies, buy one of the soothie holders too! its great!
If you have any questions about induction go ahead and ask away! I had an elective induction, got an epi, labored in a jacuzzi, and was GBS+.
Re: My list of things I wish I would have had at home...
PCOS, Ectopic & M/C of twins October 2010, Currently TTC #2
I would HIGHLY suggest them both! if you LO doesn't mind cold wipes just take it back. The peepee teepee is the best invention ever
Cause a washcloth doesn't absorb like the teepee, it is basically a sponge!
Just my 0.02c
This is my plan. That and quick hands lol?
Yeah... both are a waste of money...
Even if you don't want to use a washcloth in place of a peepee teepee, what works equally well is opening the diaper and then closing it back up for a few seconds (you don't have to use the touch tape... just open to expose baby, then cover back up. Easy peasy, and $0.00).
Also, instead of a wipe warmer, your body is 98.8 degrees (on average). Hold (or even crumple) the wipe in your hand for a couple seconds to warm the wipe. Easy peasy, and $0.00.
A type of pacifier, I believe.
a pacifier- recommended as one of the best for breastfed babies check it out HERE
Both things I did with DS1 and things I'll do again this time around, even though my SIL bought me a wipe warmer.. I flat out told her I'd probably never use it.
I had heard the wipe warmer dries things out pretty quickly. I was thinking about getting one. Won't need the teepee.
What in the world is a soothie?
Baby #2 EDD 1.15.14
I've heard this as well, which was just another reason DH and I decided not to get a wipe warmer.
DH bought a lion heart one, it was a bit spendier but it has a foam pad in the bottom to keep the wipes moist.
I personally hated the wipe warmer. I just didn't like that it made it harder to pull the wipes out with one hand. Though I think the new wipe warmers (I have an old hand me down) have that little slit now where it will pull the wipes for you. Hope that makes sense. Just a suggestion, if anyone gets a warmer look for that feature.
Otherwise, I wasn't a fan of the warmer or a peepee teepee. Just use a cloth or be ready with the diaper.
Obviously people will have different experiences, but I also thought the peepee teepees were worthless. I didn't think they were absorbent at all. It did keep the pee from spraying on me - but it re-directed all back down to the changing table pad, so then I had to wash the cover (and the teepee itself), wipe it down, put on a new one. I just used a diaper or washcloth after that.
I think both of those are complete wastes of money.
We never had a wipe warmer- DS is fine with regular wipes. Almost all babies cry when their diapers are changed, warm wipes or not. And what about when you are out and don't have the wipe warmer.
As for the peepee teepee, we had some of those as gifts and they wouldn't even stay on. A stack of baby washcloths on the changing table is much more useful.
As for things to have at home, I would say extra Tucks pads and a huge water bottle to keep with you all the time b/c you will be so thirsty!
Yeah, exactly this. Everyone is different, but I, a) Hate wasting money, and b) Hate having my house filled with useless junk. I skipped both of these items with DS1 and will again this time around.
I still think the wipe warmer is worthless. Most newborns hate diaper changes to begin with. May take a few weeks. You could also use a nice warm damp wash cloth for diaper changes.
I have heard from so many women that a wipes warmer was a waste. I used one with my first son for the 2.5yrs he was in diapers and will reuse it for our next. I made the decision to purchase one when the nurses at hospital insisted on me having only warm wipes to use on myself. I figured if they showed me that courtesy then the least I could do was the same thing for my son. Actually I had the warmer before then. I was glad I had bought it after going through labor and having the wipes experience from my nurses.
I was only peed on once by my son and it was at bath time in the beginning. I always tossed a light wash cloth over him during diaper changes. If he peed the cloth would absorb any urine.