Last night was my niece's 6th bday party. A lot of the parents just dropped their kids off. My sister had TWO margarita machines for the adults that stayed. One non-alcohol (for the kids) and one totally liquored up.
All of our kids birthday parties have a keg. No one gets sloppy drunk but they enjoy themselves. We have big parties and a keg is much cheaper than cans. I guess it has a lot to do with how you grew up. The adults have always enjoyed a drink or two at celebrations in our family. A margarita machine sounds like a great idea.
I don't see what the big deal about that is. I've served beer and/or champagne at 2 of E's bday parties (only reason I didn't for his 3rd is that we had it at a bounce-house place that didn't allow alcohol).
Drinking at home among friends and drinking in the streets from house to house (esp if any of the houses are strangers) are 2 different things, IMO.
Re: This will really throw you in a tizzy.
I don't see what the big deal about that is. I've served beer and/or champagne at 2 of E's bday parties (only reason I didn't for his 3rd is that we had it at a bounce-house place that didn't allow alcohol).
Drinking at home among friends and drinking in the streets from house to house (esp if any of the houses are strangers) are 2 different things, IMO.
I'd like a margarita right about now.
Mommy to Rachel 1.15.06 and Ashley 5.17.11