I have one too, and I have no clue what to do with it. I'm sure I'll never take the time to take the diapers out of their pack and put them in a diaper stacker anyway... I'm just not that kind of mama.
I bought wall hooks and will hang one next to my dresser/changer to hang the stacker from it. We're doing a jungle theme nursery so I got jungle wall hooks, they're pretty cute.
I brought those removable hooks and have it on the dresser/changer combo. We have a second one that someone gave us. We're thinking that instead of returning it we might use it to put receiving blankets/burp clothes instead for a quick grab. Someone here suggested it a month ago and I thought it was a good idea.
Proud Mama to Mickey (12.03.09) and Nemo(06.06.13)
I have seen in pictures that they can be hung on the changing table. We didn't go with a bedroom set so we didn't get one. I also did not see the need for it.
Re: diaper stacker
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Proud Mama to Mickey (12.03.09) and Nemo (06.06.13)