
My pity party... I am sitting in the hospital

getting IV steroids for the next hour.  I have Optic Neuritis, and wonderful thing courtesy of MS.  I have to come back tomorrow.  So I wanted to take the kids downtown to trick or treat at 10, it is 9:20 and I have at least another hour left.  I am physicall drained, but jittery and I didn't sleep AT ALL last night.  I took Benedryl, didn't help.  DH is working so my mom is helping me with my kids.  (thank God for that)  I hope I have enough energy to take them trick or treating, I've been so excited about it.  Oh and tomorrow, instead of coming to a room for my IV infusion, I have to go to the ER.  Which means, I didn't get the flu shot yet (either one) this stuff completly shuts down your immune system so it doesn't attack the nervous system.  But I get to sit in the ER with all of the sick people waiting for who knows how long.   (emergency patients go first)  Now this morning my hand is also going numb. 

Anyone know of any good over-the-counter sleep medications?  I need to SLEEP!  Sorry for the long vent, I hope everyone has a great Halloween. 

Re: My pity party... I am sitting in the hospital

  • (((((HUGS)))))

    can you get a script for ambien or some other sleep meds?

    Josh-10/1/87, Brittany 3/9/91, Mandi 7/26/92, Michelle 9/11/06 image I'M GRAPE JELLY- ALWAYS AROUND & ALWAYS THE SAME If I leave here tomorrow, would you still remember me. For I must be traveling on now. Because there are too many places I've got to see. -Allen Collins & Ronnie VanZant My favorite verse!
  • ugh, i'm sorry.  Hopefully you can still take the kids out tonight.  Can you wear a mast tomorrow to limit your exposure some?
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  • that's not a pity party at all. hang in there and I hope you get some sleep
  • OMG, I am soooo sorry, (((hugs))).  Tomorrow I would seriously wear gloves and a mask...if anything it might keep people away from you because they will be scared of what they think you have!  Maybe you can bring a folding chair or something and tell them you will be outside?  Oh, and use your own pens to write.  Actually, bring a few pairs of disposible gloves.  Better to be paranoid than for you to get sick.  Healthy thoughts and let us know how you are feeling (or let me know on the other board since it can get buried here.
    Jen - Mom to two December 12 babies Nathaniel 12/12/06 and Addison 12/12/08
  • Sorry.  Can you ask them to call you when it your turn on your cell and wait outside?  I haven't done it, but my mom always made the doctors do that when we went to the hospital or the doctor.  I think they would be willing to do that given your situation.  It would not be hard.

    Hope you feel better and get to take the kids trick or treating at least a bit.

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