Hi. Never posted here. I am not pregnant ( I don't think, AF due Monday) but TTC. I've already started daydreaming about names. I have always liked the name Brooks for a boy. It's my great grandmother's maiden name. I started thinking of middle names today and came up with Robert (late grandfather and late uncle's name) and Anthony (another late uncle and cousin). I think it sounds okay, Brooks Robert Anthony Last Name, but does anyone besides Nicole Richie give their kids multiple middle names?
Re: How Many Names are too Many?
I'm not a fan, but on the upside, no one uses their mn anyway.
"This ribbon has been reported." - lovesnina
I have two middle names and most likely so will my (future) children.
I should add though that I grew up in Sweden and it's common there to have two middle names. It has never been a problem for me here in Canada though.
This tradition is certainly not unique to the likes Nicole Richie, etc. - elsewhere in the western world, multiple mns are fairly commonplace.
Ex: my Belgian DH has 3 mns (in add. to fn & ln), MIL has 4 mns.
5 names is excessive, 2 isn't enough... 3 or 4 is very normal!
I have four names--first, middle, maiden, last. Legally, my maiden is now a second middle name. It works for me. So I don't think two middle names are a huge deal. I wouldn't necessarily do that for my kids--it can be a mouthful---but I'm not violently opposed to it.
I will say that there are a lot of forms that only take one middle initial. On these, you'll probably just use the first one.
I prefer just one middle name.
You could always save some of those family names for a future child.
I think it is fine as long as they are not too matchy matchy. I know two people with names that I think are just TOO much.
A Marley Margaret-Leone Morgan M.....(last name) ?She is a child under 5
and a Crystal Catherine Constance C.....(last name) ?An adult
Sometimes you can just take the first letter thing too far?
Due to circumstances beyond our control, we regrettably might only have 1 child (we always wanted 3-4).
Therefore, since we might only have 1 child, we are considering using 2 middle names to honor significant family members on both sides.
I've always had two middle names - my mother's maiden name was my second middle name until I got married. I dropped it and kept my own maiden name as a middle name b/c I figured 5 was too many
DS has two middle names (my maiden name as a second middle name), as will DD (and any other subsequent kids we may have).
It never bothered me to have to drop an initial if there was only one space for it on a form. It just really isn't a big deal to have two middle names. Go for it if you that's what you want!