Help me think of things to take!
I think we will be in line at 6 am tomorrow. Likely outside for a while. I plan to take her wagon, some toys, snacks, drinks, and a pull-up (I assume they won't have potties there, lol).
Any other great or specific ideas?
Thanks! I cannot believe the craziness of this...
Re: If you braved the long Vaccine line...
I pulled out all the big guys--white choc peanut butter cups, lollipops, cookies, raisins, extra juices. we were lucky and got to wait in the car so at least she was contained. I should have brought a DVD player too but didn't think of it. I did bring CD's of "her" music.
good luck!
They did have porti-potties and once we made it inside, we just went there (we were with a friend who saved our place in line).
I just brought stuff for her to draw on, stroller and snacks/drink. I SHOULD have brought an umbrella b/c we were rained on but other than that, we survived.
Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}