
If you braved the long Vaccine line...

Help me think of things to take! 

I think we will be in line at 6 am tomorrow.  Likely outside for a while.  I plan to take her wagon, some toys, snacks, drinks, and a pull-up (I assume they won't have potties there, lol).

Any other great or specific ideas?

Thanks!  I cannot believe the craziness of this... 

Re: If you braved the long Vaccine line...

  • I pulled out all the big guys--white choc peanut butter cups, lollipops, cookies, raisins, extra juices. we were lucky and got to wait in the car so at least she was contained. I should have brought a DVD player too but didn't think of it. I did bring CD's of "her" music.  

    good luck! 

    Sisterly love--Sophia (1/14/07) and Baby Margaux (7/13/10) image Doctor in training! :)image
  • They did have porti-potties and once we made it inside, we just went there (we were with a friend who saved our place in line).

    I just brought stuff for her to draw on, stroller and snacks/drink. I SHOULD have brought an umbrella b/c we were rained on but other than that, we survived.

    Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}
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  • My suggestion is to get in line at 6 am and have someone else bring your DC when you get closer to getting the shot.  No one was mad that anyone had their kids come later if they were standing in line.  As long as you don't have tons of people join you, I think everyone thinks it's reasonable not to make little kids wait in line too long.  Definitely bring your stroller.  We didn't have much else with us last night, but we went at the end and only waited 2.5 hours.  I was pretty sure they wouldn't run out of vaxs, though.
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