Colorado Babies

Mommy and me groups???

Hey! My husband and I just moved back to Denver from Chicago and I was wondering how to go about finding some sort of mommy classes... like a mommy and me class or some sort of social oulet for mom and baby. We are living in the Highlands Ranch area.
The few friends I have here, none of them have childern of their own. My husband and I are the 1st in our group of friends to have a baby... so I was looking to find some sort of group to connect with other moms that are at the same stage as me. Plus would like our baby girl to get some socializing in before she gets to school age.
We are expecting our 1st child on November 29th.

Re: Mommy and me groups???

  • Check out Sweet Beginnings in downtown Littleton...they have a few different classes/groups and may have connections to other groups. Also try local rec centers for Mommy and me exercise classes.
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