Colten woke up with a fever this morning of 104.2. I gave him some Tylenol and he was VERY fussy. He couldn't get comfortable, he was very sqirmy, and he refused anything to drink.
His fever has gone down and I called the doc, but of course, I haven't heard back yet.
You would think I would know the answer to this, but do you think I should go ahead and take him to the doctor? I mean, 104.2 is an extremely high fever.
Oh, and he had the regular flu shot on Wed morning. He has had the flu shot before with no reaction, but I'm wondering if this has anything to do with his fever. On the other hand, I wouldn't think it would cause one that high.
Re: 104.2 Fever
3 boys (15, 8, 6), 1 girl (4)
If the fever is still up, strip him down to his diaper and put cool (not cold) rags on his head, back of neck, under arms, and feet. (rotate it to those places, not all at once). Just keep an eye on him. I hope he feels better soon!
ETA-- Oh, I see in your post it says his fever IS down.