I have a 3 year old DD and an 18 month old DD. Until this week my year old has been in her room in her big girl bed and DD #2 in her room in her crib. With our third ( a boy ) due in January I needed to move the girls in together and get #2 out of the crib into a toddler bed. We didn't want to do too much at once so we started by moving the crib out of DD #2's room and into #1's room just to get it out of the way. In it's place we put her toddler bed and hoped for the best. She took to it right away! No problem at all with naps or bedtime. Yay!!! She's been sleeping in it for 4 days now and is doing great.
I think we are going to give her until the beginning of December to really get used to it and then try to move her in with her sister. I hope that goes as smoothly and we can start working on the nursery!
Re: Operation toddler bed. Phase one was a success!
Great news! We're trying DD#1 in her big girl (twin) bed tonight for the first time. We set up her new room last weekend and have been getting her more used to the room (changing her in it etc.). She seems to get that the new bed is for going to sleep (she says "nigh nigh" and lays down on it). We'll see how she does with actually staying in it to sleep starting tonight.
Glad your transition is going well.
Wow - that's great! I can NOT imagine moving my almost 2.5YO into a bed at this point. I'm actually glad she's in a crib.
You're almost there!!!! Then you'll join the mom of 3 club!
Thanks everyone! So far so good still! The real test will be when we put them in the same room I think..
Just a tip if anyone who is also moving their DC out of the crib at an early age runs into a problem.. we have had much more luck moving #2 from crib to toddler bed than we did #1 from crib to twin bed. This could definitely be more about temperment of the children than what kind of bed but I just wanted to throw it out there. I think the toddler bed is more crib like and we were able to use her same crib bedding so she is used to it. With DD #1 it was a nightmare going through the transition. But, DD #2 has always been more easy going with sleep so maybe it has more to do with that than the bed.