Baby Names

Too close?

We are having a boy, and I LOVE the name Oliver. But my niece is named Olivia. Do you think they are too close? 


We really want to keep the name a secret otherwise I would ask my sister what she thinks. She has a big mouth and would tell everyone!! 

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Re: Too close?

  • Not an issue, they aren't siblings. ?I think it is fine.
  • imageerinms:
    Not an issue, they aren't siblings.  I think it is fine.


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  • imageerinms:
    Not an issue, they aren't siblings.  I think it is fine.


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  • imageerinms:
    Not an issue, they aren't siblings.  I think it is fine.

    i agree
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  • Sounds like I'm in the minority, but to me it depends on your closeness to your sister and her child. I would not use the name if it were me, but I am close with my siblings and their children. I think it would be weird and I'd just find another name I loved. GL!

  • I don't think it is a big deal.

  • imageerinms:
    Not an issue, they aren't siblings.  I think it is fine.


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  • I don't think it matters. I posted a while back about a similar concern. We are having a girl and the name we have chosen happens to rhyme with my niece's name. I was afraid it might be an issue, but didn't want to bring it up to my sister since we are keeping the name a surprise also. 100% of the responses on here said it was a non-issue, which is great because there is no other name I like nearly as much. Go with what you love! :-)
  • I think the name is perfectly fine.
  • If that's the name you love, I think it's great. Nice name--sophisticated yet fun.

    I think it depends a little on how much you see your sister. I see mine and her kids once or twice a week, so I can understand how it might be a little close. Not insurmaountable, just close. If you see her less often, I don't think it's a big deal at all.

    Another thing, and this is not to slam Olivia, because it's a very pretty name. I think, though, that the more popular a name is, the more it is in the public domain, and it really softens any objection in your case. If your neice were named Henrietta, and you were thinking about Henry, my answer might be more firmly against.

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