Somehow I posted this on the home buying board and had to delete. Oops! I'll try again here.
Do I really need to start him on solids at 6 months? I am dreading this for some reason. He seems fine without it, and the last thing I need right now is one more kid to feed at dinner. I keep hoping B will outgrow his throwing-food-on-the-floor phase before I have another messy kid to deal with. It's just laziness on my part, but I'm in no rush this time. With the first two I was excited to try something new with them. I don't want my baby to grow up! Anyone else feel this way?
Re: No motivation to start solids with DS
The good news is that solids aren't necessary until about 12 months. The bad news is it's going to be soon that he's going to want the solids. I'd hold off until he's showing interest.
I didn't start with purees. IMO, a baby ready for solids is a baby ready for soft mashed up food. They self-fed when they were ready to eat "real" food. It's messy, but that's what I've done (Ethan did eat purees for awhile because I started him around 4 months).