Baby Names

Caden... Overplayed?

Is the name Caden totally trendy and overplayed??  So far it's the only "C" name we can agree on.  I guess if we love it, it doesn't matter what everyone else thinks but... I just thought I'd ask you brutally honest ladies anyway! Big Smile TIA

Re: Caden... Overplayed?

  • I don't really care for the name but it doesn't seem really popular to me. I know one little boy named Caden. He is 9.
  • Yes, TOTALLY trendy. And I think rather girly as well.
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  • Honestly, yes, in my opinion it is although, I've never really liked it. I do love Cade though.
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  • I think it is popular, but I have honestly never met a kid named Caden. If you like it, use it.
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  • Caden is my #1 most disliked name. Sorry.

    Connor, Colin, Cameron, Carter, Christopher, Charles? 

    S- March 09 E- Feb 12 L- May 15

  • imagelindseystenlund:
    Is the name Caden totally trendy and overplayed???


  • I do find the name Caden overplayed. Even if there aren't any other "Cadens" in his class, there will likely be a few Bradens, Jadens, and so on.
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  • Yes, and it's any name that ends in the "aden" sound. It's hard to even quantify because it is spelled so many different ways.

    I also think Caden and Jayden sound particularly girly, even though I know boys with those names. 

    Colin, Carter, Calvin, Callum, Clay, Christian, Cooper?

  • YES. ?In fact, I shudder when I hear it.

    Anyone who says they don't know one doesn't know many kids age 0-3. ?I can name 4 Kaden/Cayden/Kaidens I know personally, and I've run out of fingers to count all the collective -adens I know. ? And as an aside, I think the name Caden is girly.

    Skip it.?

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  • Ummm...YES! Caden, Bra(y)den, Ja(y)(i)den are all way, way overplayed. They all blend together to me.

    As you said though, if you love it, and are okay with the fact that a ton of his classmates will have his name or a rhyming name, go for it!
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  • I cringe at any -aden name. They're all overdone. I know several Caidens. But, you're right - if you love it, who cares!
  • imageamandarene112:

    Is the name Caden totally trendy and overplayed?? 


    I agree.  Here in South Carolina every little boy is popping up as a Cade, Caden, or Cayden
  • Yes, it's trendy. You could just do Cade. Still trendy, but then he will be a bit different from the Caden/Jayden/Aiden thing.

    What about Cole or Colton? Those are popular, but I don't think they're trendy. 

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  • imagejessimomma:
    Honestly, yes, in my opinion it is although, I've never really liked it. I do love Cade though.

    this. how about:

    camden, colby, calvin, christian, chandler, clark, clay, conrad, cabot, callahan, campbell, carlisle, connelly...

    good luck!

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  • imageShark07:
    I do find the name Caden overplayed. Even if there aren't any other "Cadens" in his class, there will likely be a few Bradens, Jadens, and so on.

    This, plus Aiden.

    I don't dislike the name, though. If YOU and DH love it, and you're set on a name starting with "C", then you should use it. JMO.

    Our sweet girl is 3!

    Lilypie - (R7Ux)

  • I know three of them!   You're right though - if you love it, it doesn't matter what others think.   It's NMS and very trendy right now, but go for it.
  • IMHO, yes.  I have know 3 girls personally that have named their kids this.
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  • Ok, Caden is OUT!!! lol.  I just realized too, that DH has a nephew named Adain James... So Caden James and Adain James... that's just silly.  I know we can come up with something better! 

    Thanks for all your honest opinions!!!

  • Yes.  All of the -aden names are WAY overdone. 

    What about Caleb, Connor, Christopher, Christian, Cole, Chase, Collin?

  • imageBelleBaby:

    Yes.  All of the -aden names are WAY overdone. 

    What about Caleb, Connor, Christopher, Christian, Cole, Chase, Collin?

    Connor is one of our choices... I just wasn't completly sold on it.

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