
Thanks MIL/FIL for ruining my day - WWYD?

Ugh. I could just scream right now.

Tonight is Downtown Treat or Treat in my town.  I've been looking forward to it all week.  Last year, the ILs went with us.  We all had a nice time (well, as nice as it can be with FIL).  I told DH to invite them again this year.

They replied that they would love to come, but since they have a meeting or something this afternoon, they'll meet us at the house around 5:30.  Well, the event STARTS at 4:30 and ends at 6:30.    What if they are late?  They don't even have a cell phone to let us know if they are going to be late.

Plus, I wanted to get there early so the lines weren't that bad.  Ugh. I'm so mad.  I told DH that I'm mad and he was like "well, I can't UNinvite them now"  Yes, DH.  Yes you can.  Can he?



David "BD" 2/8/07 Spencer 9/12/11

Re: Thanks MIL/FIL for ruining my day - WWYD?

  • well, not exactly un-invite them, but explain that you were planning on heading downtown at 4:15 since it gets so busy and if they can make it great, if they want to meet you down there, great.  Otherwise, sorry!
  • He should tell them to meet you guys there.  So at a certain time you will meet say at the corner or something

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  • I'd tell them you'll meet them there! 
  • Can't you just let them know that it starts at 4:30 and you can meet them at someplace downtown?
  • I would absolutely tell them to meet you there--you'd miss more than half of it if you waited for them. Maybe they didn't realize the start time.
  • I agree.  Meet them there.  That would suck to only go for an hour!
    Liam is 5!
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  • Thanks and sorry, I should have added that dealing with them is worse than dealing with a 3 year old.  If we say we will meet them there, it will turn into a whole thing - how do we get there? where should we park? what if it's busy? what if we can't find a space? what if it's raining? how will we know where you are?

    I wish they just had a GD cellphone.  But nooooo, they like to be 'off the grid'.  er.

    I think I'm just in a really bad mood now and don't want to deal.  I wish I hadn't invited them.  Sorry, i'll stop venting.


    David "BD" 2/8/07 Spencer 9/12/11
  • Tell them to meet you there. If they can't, then sorry it won't work out. They can't expect you to wait for them when it is an event for the kids!
  • imageljlkm:
    I'd tell them you'll meet them there! 


  • I would just call them and tell them that the event starts at 4:30 and if they can't make it by 4:30, your child would miss the event unfortunately. How about they meet up with you at 6:30pm for some pizza?
  • imageLanaM:
    I would just call them and tell them that the event starts at 4:30 and if they can't make it by 4:30, your child would miss the event unfortunately. How about they meet up with you at 6:30pm for some pizza?

    This sounds like a really good idea.

  • imagestw_77:

    I would just call them and tell them that the event starts at 4:30 and if they can't make it by 4:30, your child would miss the event unfortunately. How about they meet up with you at 6:30pm for some pizza?

    This sounds like a really good idea.

    thanks - good idea- I'm trying to get a hold of DH to call them.  BUT he's avoiding me now because he knows I'm mad.  If he doesn't call soon, they will leave for their appointment and then we'll have to wait for them.  UGH!!!!!!!!


    David "BD" 2/8/07 Spencer 9/12/11
  • No you won't ahev to wait for them.


    Leave a note on the door saying sorry there was confusion over the tiems but you all headed downtown, and here are directions to get there, and you left DH's cellphone under the bush so they can take it and call you to find each other.

    This is only a problem because your  is being a wimp and putting his mommy and daddy before you and his kids.

    Or, call them yourselves and cancel the plans if your H won't.

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