
Anyone who is really familiar with allergies..please come in!

dd had bloodwork done and her IgE was 157-ish so she is allergic to something but nothing they tested for.  we had the scratch test done today and she is allergic to...nearly everything!  almost everything that she is now "allergic" to, she tested negative for in the bloodwork.  wth?!?

Re: Anyone who is really familiar with allergies..please come in!

  • The blood test are almost always less accurate than the skin tests. Basically your dr does that to see if there's a possiblilty of allergies. If the bloodwork suggests anything the next step is the skin test. The IgE is just to measure the levels of allergy antibodies in her blood. What did they give her?

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  • What symptoms made you suspect allergies? 

    My guess is she will need to see an allergist and have a skin test done. 

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  • Skin tests have a higher chance of false positives, and blood tests have a higher chance of false negatives. I blood tested negative to foods I KNOW I am allergic to (from having had reactions) and then skin tests showed up positive.

    It's really confusing...

    Did they make sure she didn't react to the placebo? Some people have super-sensitive skin and will react to the scratching alone with no serum. My doctor also told me that people with eczema tend to react stronger to skin tests.

    Why were you testing? Is she showing a reaction to something and you're not sure what? The things she tested positive to, have you ever noticed anything "off" after she's ingested them?

    Sorry so many questions--just hoping more info can help.

    Mom to J (10), L (4), and baby #3 arriving in July of 2015
  • If she had the RAST blood test done, I think I read somewhere that results for an allergen will be negative unless they've already had a reaction to the allergen.

  • She has been coughing just at night since July.  We've had her on a few different allergy meds and nothing is solving it.  They put her on an inhaler med today...we'll see if that helps.  They didn't test her for food allergies, except for milk b/c of her history of milk issues.  Allergies stink.
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