Two Under 2

Getting ready to leave the house-in what order?

So I'm new at this.  In what order do you get ready to leave the house?  I have tried every variation of me, toddler, baby and I'm still super late and it takes forever!  Once I get everyone ready, the baby wants to nurse again.  It's crazy, I'm sure it will get better over time but what tips do you have in regards to leaving the house?  In what order do you get everyone ready?

Re: Getting ready to leave the house-in what order?

  • I get everything ready- pack up, load the car. Then I try and nurse the baby whether he seems hungry or not then put him in the carseat. Then I get my toddler ready and put him in the car. He has no patience so I can't make him wait. Then the baby goes in the car. Usually the baby fusses in the carseat while I'm doing all this but I know he'll be lights out when the car starts moving.


  • First I put all the bags etc. in the car.  Then I put my toddler in, b/c she is pretty patient.  Then I go to the bathroom one more time and put my LO in the Carseat (I usually just pick him up from napping and put him in)...then I jet out of the driveway!
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  • Well, I'm doing 2u2 for the second time, and so I'll tell you what I do. I always get the baby nursed and ready in the carseat first. Then I get my other kid(s) ready. Its worked for me.

    The only time it doesn't work is if someone poops and a diaper needs changing! LOL!


    ETA: The older child(ren) walk to the car and get in themselves.........and if I have bags, I'll put those into the car first. 

    image Mommy to Barbara 11/8/05, Elisabeth 5/13/07, Loukas 12/23/08 and Lazarus 09/25/12
  • When leaving in the morning - I get ready, load the car, wake/feed/change DS, wake/change DD and leave.

    When leaving other times - pack car, get DD ready, feed/change DS and go.

    I am late a lot.  It takes forever making sure i have everything I might need (extra clothes/diapers/wipes/bib/plate/DDs silverware/food/burp cloths/DDs milk....).

  • Bags --> Toddler--> Baby, however I have also only been on time to work once in 3 weeks....
  • I feed the toddlers while I get ready and pack the diaper bag.  That takes about 15 minutes.  Then I dress and change DD and DS.  They play while I change and feed the baby.  It usually takes about 45 minutes to get ready.  I carry the diaper bag and infant seat to the car while DD and DS walk in front of me.  I keep the stroller, sling etc in the trunk and never bring them in the house.

    I make sure the baby is good to go for a couple hours (full belly, dry diaper) before we leave.  It is easy to give the toddlers snacks and stuff but hard to stop and feed the baby.  The toddlers love to go anywhere and are much happier and better behaved in public.  I actually enjoy taking them places.

  • In addition to what everyone has already told you, one thing I do that seems to help a lot is to pack my diaper bag at night so it is always ready to go. Then I just have to add a sippy or two (which I always keep an extra in the fridge so I just have to grab it). Not having to pack the diaper bag helps a lot!
  • I vary it, depending on what comes up, but generally it's:

    Get our stuff ready, get myself ready, feed baby, get DD1 ready, get DD2 ready (DD1 "helps" with this), then out the door.  Honestly, the key for me is to just shorten our getting ready routine.  Bare minimum.

    For the car, I try to set DD2 up where DD1 can't get at her, then load our stuff, then I'll take both girls out to the car to load together - DD1, then DD2, since I can set the infant seat down while I strap 1 in.

    HTH - it does get better, although we do still have out tough moments!  Oh, also, allow LOTS of extra time for everything. :)

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  • So glad to hear I am not alone in this.  I feel like no matter how many hours I leave myself its never enough and I am late to everything. 
  • imageMrsKellyOrBust:

    I get everything ready- pack up, load the car. Then I try and nurse the baby whether he seems hungry or not then put him in the carseat. Then I get my toddler ready and put him in the car. He has no patience so I can't make him wait. Then the baby goes in the car. Usually the baby fusses in the carseat while I'm doing all this but I know he'll be lights out when the car starts moving.


    This is how I do it too. I try to always have my diaper bag stocked (I do this every night) so all I have to do is toss in a fresh sippy for DS#1.  I also try really hard to plan ahead and get the process going earlier than I think I need to so I can limit our tardiness.  SOmetimes this means we are a little early for stuff, but I'd rather have to drive around the block a few times or park and sing a song with the older kiddo to pass some time than be late.
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