
book recommendations? (marriage)

I'm looking for a book re: Strengthening a marriage...I have a friend who's having some problems and I thought this might help her.

Any suggestions?

Re: book recommendations? (marriage)


    His books, grounded in great research, are very helpful and user-friendly. There's also some questionnaires which will help the couple to determine where in the marriage they should focus their efforts.

    He also has DVDs of his marriage workshop which I really like - it's something the couple can watch together, and includes a workbook with a bunch of exercises - it's great for a couple who's interested in therapy, but can't afford it or can't find the time away from the kids to go regularly. 

    If they couple has children, Baby Makes Three is a great book of his (otherwise, almost any of his books will likely be helpful to them).

  • If they're religious, I recommend The Love Dare.

    If they're not, I recommend The Five Love Languages.


    Mom to J (10), L (4), and baby #3 arriving in July of 2015
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  • awesome--thanks girls!!!
  • imageheyitsme:

    If they're religious, I recommend The Love Dare.

    If they're not, I recommend The Five Love Languages.


    I haven't read The Love Dare but the movie Fireproof talks about it.  Dh and I both liked the movie (after you get past the cheesy acting).  It's kind of eye opening & could be helpful for those on the brink of divorce as well as those with a good marriage just wanting to make it better.


  • Ditto the love dare.
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