
Phentermine....has anyone taken this??

If so, how did it work for you??  Im trying to google info on this(side effects/results).  Is there a website that gives basic information- everything is in terms that I only somewhat understand.  Thanks

Re: Phentermine....has anyone taken this??

  • I've taken it and it was very helpful.  I lost an average of two pounds a week.  I would only recommend taking the prescription that you get from your doctor.  I know you can buy it online but I don't trust that stuff.  The prescription should only be used for 3 to 6 months at the most and is only suppose to help jump start a stalled diet.

    Good luck.  I tried every single thing in the book to lose weight.  I have PCOS which makes weight loss very difficult.  I know there are people who will say that diet and exercise is all it takes, but sometimes it takes more.

  • Is it a weight loss supplement? I really don't know anything about it personally, but one of my good friend started taking in July and recently stopped taking it. She was monitored by a doctor (vitals, blood drawn, etc.) several times a month and took 1-2 pills a day. She lost 35 lbs by taking the supplement and exercising 7 days a week (which she said the program required).

    The only thing she mentioned side effects wise is that is can cause strokes and affect your heart (supposedly in rare cases).

    ~Erica, Mommy to Peyton 9/06 & Cullen 9/09
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  • I took it a few years ago via a doctor supervised weight loss program. It worked great for me and I had no side effects and no problems once I got off of it. I lost 70 lbs of baby weight within 4 months and have kept it off for the past 2 years. It can have serious side effects for some so be careful.

    I would not recommend buying it off the internet....a lot of the stuff marketed as phentermine is not really phentermine at all. My dr. prescribes it for me and I get it at the actual pharmacy for the price of a copay...which is cheaper than the internet stuff anyway.

  • It is NOT safe. I did take it for awhile in college and it was prescribed to me by a doctor (who was called the quack doctor) and is in jail right now for despensing meds improperly. I did lose a lot of weight in a short amt of time but it is speed and makes you "speed". It causes dry mouth and makes you feel like you have to keep you have lots of energy. HOWEVER, it causes increased blood pressure, strokes and holes in hearts because it makes your heart beat quicker to burn more calories. A good friend of mine needed open heart surgery because she was on it and thank God she is OK today but it ruined her heart. I would not ever take it again.
  • 424424 member
    Thanks for you input.  It is dr described(help with weight loss).  I took my first dose today, not really sure I feel much different....We shall see.. ...
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