
Small for twin

People are starting to worry me.  Everyone keeps saying that they can not believe I am having twins.  I am beginning to think they are right.  I am 27 weeks on Thursday.  I have gained about 24 pounds.  I am 5'8".  I gained 28 pounds total with my daughter and she weighed 7lb6oz.  I am just concerned for their size.  I have another u/s next Monday.  The Dr keps telling me that I am measuring good.  At the last appointment 24 weeks, I was measuring like I was 30 weeks.  Does this sound right to you?  I'm just really concerned about NICU time and not gaining enough weight.



Re: Small for twin

  • I've gained a little more weight than you (25 pounds) but your uterus measuring 6 weeks ahead is what I have been the past two visits.  And from what I read that is a good measurement.    What do the babies weigh?
  • I think everyone is different, and since I'm not a doc, I won't give you an opinion on whether or not you're gaining enough, but I would recommend since you're worried to try drinking Ensure high protein or Ensure plus in addition to your regular meals to make sure you're getting enough extra calories & protein for the little guys. It can't hurt.
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  • Dont worry as much about your weight or what other people say- focus more on the growth and weights of the babies and what your doctor says. 

    I am 5'8 and was 135 before I got pregnant- as of 30 weeks, I was only up 24 lbs but the babies were measuring right on schedule and continuing to move up in their percentiles.  So although my OB wants me to try to bulk up a bit, it is simply a precaution in the event they come early.

     FWIW, people couldnt believe I was having twins until recently- my tummy has started to get pretty big so now they believe it.  Big Smile

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  • I could have written this post!!  I am 5'7", but have a long torso.  I lost 20 pounds in the beginng from morning sickness and have only gained maybe 12-15 back so far.  My OB is not worried at all.

    At my appt yesterday, the MFM said that both babies were growing wonderfully and were right on track for their weight.At my last reg OB appt, I was 21 weeks and only measuring 23 weeks, so not even that far ahead.

    I didn't even start showing until 20-21 weeks and only got my very first unsolicited stranger comment yesterday!!  Everyone tells me how small I still am for having twins.  No one can believe it.  "Really??  There are 2 in there??"  "Are you sure??"  No, I'm just guessing.  Jeez.

    I guess I should take it as a compliment, but it does make me feel weird

    Anyway, neither my OB nor the MFM is concerned at all.  I think as long as the babies are growing well and at a stady pace, they don't worry about your belly size.

    I gained almost 50 pounds with my first (singleton) son and he was 7lbs 11oz.

    Sounds like you are doing great!!  Keep up the good work :)


  • do not worry if your doctors aren't worried.

    i didn't start showing until 20ish weeks, and i had three in there! everyone carries differently. and my boys were always right on target, size-wise. you can see my belly pics in my bio.

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  • I'm short so my belly is huge but I've only gained about 26 lbs. As long as your babies are measuring fine, your size/weight should not worry you. Just keep eating.
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  • That sounds fine! I measured about 8 weeks ahead for much of the 2nd and 3rd tri but you're pretty close to that, and your weight gain is within a healthy range. The big questions is how are your babies measuring?
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • You and I are almost on the same track... 27 weeks this week and I think I've gained @ 23 pounds. At my 24 week appointment, I was measuring like I was 30 weeks.  And at my u/s last week the twins were approximately 2 lbs each, which was GREAT.  So as long as your Dr thinks you're fine, then I wouldn't worry.  I've gotten some comments like you, and they do make me feel weird. But I'm happy to know that they're growing well -- that really matters most.  Good luck!
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  • I heard that every damn day I was pg. .... don't let it worry you.


    I gained 25 or so.  and they were each a lil over 5lbs


    when they came out I was like "how the hell did ya guys fit in there?"


  • I am 5'11" and everyone thinks I am "way too small to be carrying twins."

    Last week, at 21 weeks, each baby was 1 lb 1 oz, which seems to be right on target.  I am not worried about how I look or how much weight I am gaining (unless it starts being too much).

    After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • I've been hearing this too. I think people just expect us to be HUGE when they hear we are having twins. I have gained 30lbs, have always measured 6-8 weeks ahead (which is what Dr. Luke says is the average), and my babies are always above the 50th percentile for weight.

    When people tell me I look small, I say with shock "Really??? Because I'm only __ months and am measuring at __ months." Every single person then says...."Oh, well for ___ months you are big!" Its always cracks me up :)

  • Thanks everyone for making me feel better.  I am excited to go to the Dr. on Monday and find out how they are measuring.  At the last u/s everything was on track.  THANKS again!


  • Some people say I'm huge when they ask when I'm due.  When I tell them that I'm having twins, it seems like their tune always changes.
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