Toddlers: 12 - 24 Months

First words...

Sorry if this has been covered before, but I was just curious...when you say your DC has five words or 10 words, are those clearly pronounced words or does something kinda like it still count?

For example, DD says 'nahnah' for banana. Does that count as a word? Or 'dok' instead of dog. 


Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Re: First words...

  • I count words if he uses them repeatedly to name the same thing. So yes, I would count the two you mentioned. DS only says hi, bye and kitty at the moment. At least that I can make out!
    Brendan 06.30.08
    Pregnancy Ticker
    c/p 02.26.10
  • I count them if they are used appropriately.  Sam's kitty is more of a "ki-yee" but he will say it when he sees one of the cats or is looking at a picture of a cat.  His no and hi are pretty clear. 

    So yes, I would count the words you mentioned. 

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  • i always get tongue-tied when the pedi asks me. they are words to me, but just not to everyone. lol
    Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
  • Our pedi said that words count even if it doesn't sound anything like the actual word, if he is using it repeatedly to mean the same thing.  DS says "geegee" or something like that for "kitty" and I still count it, because he says it only when he sees my mom's cats or a picture of a cat.
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
  • If the LO is using the same sound consistently to mean a specific thing, it counts as a word.  Nobody expects a toddler to have perfect pronunciation.
  • I never know about this either. Lyla says "shhhs!" when she sees seashells, "shhh!" when she sees her little plastic shovel, and "shhhs!" when she sees shoes. Do those really count as 3 separate words, even though they all sound almost exactly the same? Same with "buuhhh", which she uses to mean ball, balloon, bee and bellybutton. Huh? Oh well... my pedi never asks about that stuff anyway, so doesn't really matter I suppose.
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