
Officially a Mommy

Feel free to check out my blog for more details...I'll be posting about our journey over the next several days.

Noah was born Wednesday, October 21st at 9:03 AM - 8lbs, 6.5 oz & 20 1/4 inches long.

What I really want to say is to those who are waiting, either to be matched or who have been matched - the pain and anxiety you feel every day is so worth the joy you feel when you hold your little one. It will soon be forgotten and you will realized it was needed to build your family. To those who live in states where the period before the TPR can be signed is greater than 72 hours - GOD BLESS YOU! The 72 hours after Noah's birth were probably the worst of my life.

No matter how many times you are told the plan is still the plan and the papers will be signed - you literally are unable to take a full breath until they are.

They were and we are the happiest parents ever!!! (sorry if the pictures is funky...I really have no idea what I'm doing.

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