Pennsylvania Babies

first day back at work

Cried a bit last night, but this morning wasn't too bad.  Helped that DH took DS to Grandmas, so I just said goodbye to them at our house.  A few sniffles in the car on the way to work, then a few more when I found the card and baby book from my boss and coworker on my desk.

But I've stayed busy so far, and I've pumped two times so far today.  One more to go.  Now THAT is weird, what with pulling the girls out at work, but I'm sure I'll get over the awkwardness eventually.  I just KNOW people outside my office can hear the whir-whirrrr of the pump behind my closed door!

Less than two-and-a-half days until I make it through my first part-time week!

Re: first day back at work

  • Sounds like it's going OK so far.  I hope the rest of the week goes well.  It's tough!

    I pumped at my office on my first day back and it felt incredibly awkward.  That became easier too.  It's just another part of the day after a while.  I travel around the county more often than I'm in the office so I pump in my car and actually find it more comfortable.

    TTC since Jan 07. Dx with PCOS Jan 08 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I'm glad that you got through your day without too much heartache! Hopefully it will continue to go smoothly for you!

    I'm dreading pumping at work. I have strictly no "me" space and will only be able to pump quick during my planning and at lunch - that is if I can find a suitable place to do it. My classroom is adjoined to another with no door, so I can't even lock my classroom door and have privacy. All of our small closet/storage areas are either used to pull small groups or as offices. I'm thinking I'm going to have to ask to use the nurse's office ... not what I had in mind if she'll even let me. And probably not the best place for me to be, with sick kids.  :( 

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  • Sounds like you had a pretty good 1st day back!!!  I hope it continues to go smoothly.  
  • Megan -- can you talk to your principal or someone else in advance, to see if maybe the school will set aside the space for you?

    If you haven't heard about it yet, I strongly recommend reading Milk Memos on your leave.  It's all about continuing to BF through your return to work and it was really inspiring and empowering for me.  Entertaining, as well.

  • It's been on my mind to broach this subject with someone and I'm just dragging my feet. Our principal is a man - and I can just imagine how that conversation would feel...  I am worried though. I know I need to figure this out before I go on leave, that way when I come back, I'm ready to go and don't feel like I don't have a spot, which will probably make it a not so fun experience and create more stress. I guess I can talk to our Asst Princ. She is brand new and I hardly know her yet, but it would be  a starting point.

    Any thoughts on how you would bring this up? I actually feel much more comfortable with the principal, although having a conversation with a 60 year old man about breast-feeding would be amusing to say the very least! 

    Thanks for the book rec, I'll be sure to add it to my list! 

  • The book gives some great tips, and you can try here and here for additional resources. 
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