
Experience w/ unemployment benefits?

As I've posted previous, DH is most likely out of a job after Nov. 30. If necessary he will file for unemployment benefits. Does anyone know how the determination is made how much money you get? I know it differs from state to state, but generally how does it work?  Is the amount based on what your salary was, or what your household income is after losing the job? I'll still be working, and DH gets a military pension every month. Would his unemployment benefits be reduced because we will still have some income? Would our savings/investments be taken into account?

Re: Experience w/ unemployment benefits?

  • IF you are laid off/terminated he should get it.  The amoun varies per state.  In  MI is is like 700+ every 2 weeks, for full time workers and can collect for I think a year+ since we have gotten all the extensions from the govnt.  not sure about his pension, but your savings dontent matter
  • Hi! If he is laid off, he should not have a problem getting benefit. They may ask if it was a mass lay off or just him (that is what I was asked) and the reason for the layoff.

    His determination amount, I believe, is based on what he made in the past year or six months and is a percentage of that amount. (I think the percentage differs per state). Your income and savings do not take into account, but I am not sure about the pension as that is income. He can also work up to a certain amount and still get unemployment. (You can ask).

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  • DH has been unemployed since late Sept and we haven't received any $ yet.  His phone interview is the 29th so I'm hoping it will happen then.  With the economic downturn, things are moving least in Kansas.  It's a percentage of your past yearly income and my DH can only make $109/week or less then it starts to count against your unemployment.  GL and I hope he finds something soon.
    Wendy Twins 1/27/06. DS and DD
  • In NYS it is 1/26th of the highest quarters income. With a max of $405/wk.  There is a waiting week.   I don't know if the military pension would play into that.

    Cheryl, Evan 4.25.05, Paige 7.2.07
  • In my state is is a percentage of your salary with a maxixmum cap per week.  If you get other income up to a certain point (ie: severange pay, pensions, vacation payout, etc.) if will affect unemployment.

    I can work part time jobs and make up to 25% of my weekly pay without affecting my unemployment payment.

    Unemployment (for me) is calculated based on what salary was made one quarter ago (so it skips the immediate last quarter so it wouldn't affect your payment if you were laid off in the middle of a quarter).  So you don't necessarily have to file right away to get your maximum benefit.

    imageimage Ashley Sawtelle Photography
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