
I am super grumpy this morning.

I'm still feeling crappy, my chest hurts from coughing so much. 

I had to have bloodwork and a TB test done this morning for the new job.  

My stupid car is pissing me off.  I have been to the dealership twice (for a total of 4 hours) in the last two weeks because my tire light keeps coming on.  They check it, tell me everything is fine.  Get in my car after my appointment this morning, IT'S ON AGAIN.  The last thing I feel like doing today is driving across town to sit for another two hours while they temporarily fix my car.  I.  Am.  Annoyed.

Anyone else grumpy?  Feel free to add your own.

Kill all my demons and my angels might die too. -Tennessee Williams

You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.

Re: I am super grumpy this morning.

  • DS was awake from 1am-330am last night.  Why?  No clue.  He was one cranky mofo though, he must have had a fart caught cross-wise or something.

    I woke him up with the camera flash this morning.  It was theraputic.

  • If I don't either get some sleep or some drugs I'm not going to make it one more day.  And someone please tell my h that he can't have his cake and eat it too....either he gets a Donna Reed wife or a second income-I'm not woman enough to do both.
    Nathan 7-13-06 ~ Elizabeth 4-12-09 ~ Zachary 8-5-11
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  • imageKoriBrett:

    DS was awake from 1am-330am last night.  Why?  No clue.  He was one cranky mofo though, he must have had a fart caught cross-wise or something.

    I woke him up with the camera flash this morning.  It was theraputic.

    This made me laugh, and thus a little less grumpy.

    Kill all my demons and my angels might die too. -Tennessee Williams

    You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.

  • imageKoriBrett:

    he must have had a fart caught cross-wise or something.

    OMG, what a great goal it to use this today!

    Riley born 12/12/05 Malorie born 10/30/06 image
  • I was yesterday. Does that count? I hate car issues. They always make me pissy!!
  • Sorry you're having a crappy day!  

    Do you have a Toyota?  My tire light comes on all the time and so does my mom's.  It comes on almost every time the weather changes...especially when it gets cold.  It's just really ultra-sensitive.  DH just airs up the tires if it stays on for more than a day or two.  I freaked the first time it happened but I called my dad (what else was I supposed to do) and he said it happens all the time with Mom's car too.

  • Does your car have a sensor for tire pressure?  I wonder if it has to do with the temperature.  Not sure where you live, but I'm guessing this time of the year it is fairly cold in the morning and warms up during the day.  That can really affect your tire pressure.

    Next time it happens, check the pressure with a tire guage and see where it's at.  It may just be low.

  • That sucks.

    I am so grumpy this morning.  I pinched a nerve on Sat and my arm/hand has been numb since then along with the excruciating headache.  The chiropractor can't get me in until 3:30.  DD has been getting up 6-7 times a night for the past week-week 1/2.  I cannot deal with sleep deprovation and it is seriously making me consider not having another baby.  I don't think I can handle no sleep on top of this dd of mine.  

    Thanks for letting mebitch in your post.  

    Madelyn 3/1/07 image, Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie Maternity tickers
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