
When were you scheduled

My last dr visit they were talking to me and DH about a c-section but didn't schedule anything (fyi - had previous surgery and reproductive dr gave me a c-section cut). I go back on the 30th, for a check up. If you were induced or had a c-section, when did you schedule yours or did they wait until the week before?

Re: When were you scheduled

  • They scheduled my induction about a week out.  My doctor swore I wouldn't make it that far, but I did!
    After a PCOS dx, 18 months of trying, 3 rounds of clomid and 2 follistim IUIs our babies are here!
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • We're waiting as long as possible right now.  So far one baby or the other (or both) have been breech at each U/S, we're still holding out hope that I'll be able to have a vaginal birth.  My OB doesn't think I'll make it past 36w (my cervix is already softening and thinning, but not dilating), but will let me go to 39w if I can and want to go that far.
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  • I was told early on (like around 24 wks or so) that my induction would be Oct. 29th since that was 38 wks and my dr's delivery plan for twins.

    I was scheduled for a C on the 29th as of this past Mon. (Oct. 19th)...but since Baby B flipped to vertex at my appt. yesterday, we are now aiming for a vag. delivery still on the 29th--we're keeping my C in the books in case she decides to go back to her transverse position.


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  • most do it at 38w. some do it at 39.  In studies 38w has been shown to be the safest and best week to deliver twins... i made it to my 38w scheduled c/s.
  • They scheduled my c section last week for 38 weeks 3 days. They don't expect me to make it that far, but I'm hanging in so far.  Just trying to take it easy and continue to cook these little ones.  I went into labor on my own with my older boys at 36 weeks but we shall see how i do with these girls.

    Good luck!


  • I am a little late answering your question

  • I am a little late answering your question

  • I am a little late answering your question

  • Sorry dont know what happend. I went in at my 34 growth scan and babies were breach. Had another scan at 36wks and they were still breach, my dr scheduled my c/s for 37wk1d. I started having contractions 1-3 mins apart the day before my scheduled c/s, so they took them then.
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