I've never heard of either first name. And I'm always confused when I see a name like "Jeanne" because I'm never sure if it's supposed to be pronounced like "Jean" or "Jee-ANN".
I'm not crazy about either of them. DS has a little girl named Keelyn in his class. I've not heard that name before (I figured they made it up), so I think of a girl when I hear it.
Re: What do you think of these names
I Love them!!! I think they are Cute!!! Congrats!
(read it. you know you want to.)
anderson . september 2008
vivian . february 2010
mabel . august 2012
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I like Kenley. I think that it is cute.
The boy name is ok. What about Kellan or Keegan? Similar yet they seem easier to say! Just my opinion!
I've never heard of either first name. And I'm always confused when I see a name like "Jeanne" because I'm never sure if it's supposed to be pronounced like "Jean" or "Jee-ANN".