So I just got back from my NT scan and everything looks GREAT! I always have these weird feelings in between appointments that things are going to go wrong. My twins are spontaneous and identical and totally unexpected and I am SO NERVOUS!! I always get nervous in between appointments because there is such a long wait in between my appointments. I also don't feel pregnant yet. After the m/s I have no other signs of pregnancy. I just cant wait until I can feel these babies move so I can tell everything is going ok. Anyone else feel this way??
Re: NT Scan
Congrats! I loved my NT scan. It was my favorite u/s to date!
And yes, I still feel that way. It's nice to be able to feel them move now, but I still get nervous between appointments. It has gotten a bit better the father along I am, though.
After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!
You're not alone
In between my early appointments (I also have spontaneous identical twins) I always psyched myself out that something was not okay and then had to wait until the appointment to relieve my fears. As I've gotten farther along the worries have decreased, maybe because I can feel them kicking now so it's as if they're letting me know, "relax mom, we're happy here". And, maybe it's because as you go farther along you can get more good appointments under your belt so you're establishing a strong track record.
Congrats on the great NT appointment and wishing you many more happy appointments!
I think it's totally normal to feel that way between appts! I remember wanting them to be closer/more frequent just so I felt assured that all was ok. I started seeing a midwife in between peri visits (I was living in London for my first and half of my 2nd tri) so that I could get to hear them on the dopplers at least in between monthly u/s.
Can you rent a doppler? That might help you feel better to hear their HBs. It does get less nerve wracking as the weeks go up in your pg--you'll feel them all the time and you'll be going to the dr. all the time (I go twice a week now for the past month!).
Hang in there. Glad to hear your NT went well! Sending you positive thoughts!!!
Me me me! << raises hand!!>> However, right where you are, I started to really get a lot bigger - like I popped. In between 13 and 16.5 weeks, I am solidly in maternity clothes and am just starting to feel flutters today.
We have a very high risk MoMo pregnancy and so I am convinced, on a daily basis, that something has gone terribly wrong. When my OB uses a doppler, she can't be sure that she is hearing both and we are a mess, unless we are getting an ultrasound. It happens to everyone!
Also, at the NT scan they start to look a little more human, no? So that just inches up the anxiety a bit. When they looked like shrimp or gummy bears, I guess I just didn't feel so darn nervous. It was a little surreal and couldn't quite get my head around the "baby" thing.
I know how you feel about the unexpected thing, it feels so random, and special and fantastic, to be having twins - that I feel like "It can't possibly work out", but I really really really want it to. : )
Try prenatal yoga, meditation, or whatever else you can to RELAX. My mantra is "I am in present time." That helps me to stop worrying about the future.
Congrats! Yes, I feel exactly the same way inbetween appointments. I don't feel pregnant either except for the occasional abdominal pain, heartburn and fleeting feeling of nasea. The symptoms don't last long.