I wonder if it's the hideous monstrosity they had built and moved into at the end of the season. That house was huge and butt ugly! I remember every surface was covered in granite, quartz or marble. I would love to see the numbers on this one.
When you have a house worth over a million dollars, you are irresponsible or just making a savvy business decision if you get foreclosed on. You really should have enough savings to live on for several years if you have that house and, thus enough time to sell. I think they are just letting it go because of the market, can't sell it, so let it go. So Donald Trump of them.
Re: Theresa from RHONJ getting foreclosed on
Isn't she the one who went and paid for a bunch of clothes in cash? It was really odd.
Funny, though.
She paid for EVERYTHING in cash. Very suspicious.
I bet she is just walking away from it because it is worth a lot less than what she paid for it. Real stand up gal.
I'm betting she's not broke...just unethical.
This is exactly what my DH was saying.