So DH and I currently do not have a will, however when we had children it was going to be the first thing that we did, however I noticed on our application it asks if we have a will. Do you think we should get a will before applying? Also if we do, is it hard to change to include our child, once we adopt? I always imagined that we would have to change it once we had children anyway, so why not wait until that happened. What are your guys's thoughts?
Re: Will Question
Ditto this
We have a child, and we do not have a Will. Well, our child is "Will", but that's beside the point
I suspect that you are filling out the same application that I did. I said that we have one in progress, which is the truth. They did not question it. I also listed who the guardian would be if something happened to us.
In short, no you do not need to get a Will before applying. Good luck!
We already have one, and it shouldn't be a big deal to amend it to include children. My parents still have a generic one from when they were first married saying everything would be equally divided among their children, and they've never had to update that wording.
I would ask your agency if one is required right now.
We just met w/ our attorney last night to get our wills updated. It's not a big deal to add children to an existing will. You just need to think about who you want as guardian for the child(ren) and who will oversee the managment of the funds (trustee). If you and DH can make those decisions (IMO the hardest part) the rest should be really easy!
Also, you probably want to consider a provision for the distributions of the trust funds to the child so that the $ does not all just go directly to them when they are legal age of 18. We asked that it be distributed 1/3 be distributed at age 25, 1/3 at 30 and 1/3 at 35. An 18 year-old w/ a huge sum of $ was scary to us. Of course, the trustee has the ability to dip into funds as needed for regular expenses as well as the big stuff like college on an as needed basis, the above just refers to the final distrbution of funds.