Eco-Friendly Family

I'm confused about Dawn "original formula"

I tried unsuccessfully to find the original Dawn in physical stores in my area, so I was just looking online.  Someone had suggested  Well, all I can find online, including on, is original SCENT, not original FORMULA.  Then it says on all those bottles, 'Ultra Concentrated."  I'm pretty sure that the Dawn my mom used when I was a kid was not this Dawn (I don't think it was concentrated), which was what I thought everyone was talking about.

I know we're not to use the "advanced power" Dawn, which I think contains enzymes--plus it smells like shampoo.

So, I know this is dumb, but can someone please look at her bottle and tell me if this original scent, ultra concentrated form is what you have and that it's what works for stripping diapers?  Otherwise, I feel like I'm going mad.

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Re: I'm confused about Dawn "original formula"

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    I can't look at our bottle, but I do believe that it is the original 'scent' and is concentrated.  Blue Dawn!  I don't think I was able to find anything else.
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    I can't look at our bottle, but I do believe that it is the original 'scent' and is concentrated.  Blue Dawn!  I don't think I was able to find anything else.

    papagena, I thought you were going to offer me the same couch as mrsabutler: "And how long have you been having these paranoid thoughts?"

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    The "Original Scent" is the classic Dawn.  It says Ultra Concentrated because it is claiming Dawn is over other liquids, not that it is more concentrated than other formulas of Dawn.

    This confused the heck out of me as well.Big Smile

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    I think they're all ultra-concentrated now.  I don't think you can buy un-concentrated stuff anymore.  Ours is the blue, concentrated, original scent.
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    mine says "Ultra Concentrated Original Scent"

    I think it's the only Blue Dawn they have Smile

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    I can't look at our bottle, but I do believe that it is the original 'scent' and is concentrated.  Blue Dawn!  I don't think I was able to find anything else.

    papagena, I thought you were going to offer me the same couch as mrsabutler: "And how long have you been having these paranoid thoughts?"



    Veeerrry iiiiiiinteresting....   tell me more....  Is there ze cigar in zis paranoia about ze dawn? 

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    the only place I have found it is Walmart and oh how I loathe Walmart
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    Thanks everyone!  Especially papagena, who made me feel loads better.  (bad laundry pun... tee hee)
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