First, I hope it did not read below that I thought you were flaming her, I was just adding my own opinion.
But, I was going to add this to a much earlier post and did not have a chance. You said that you would dress Mom hag all the time in your sweats if you could...from your siggie I somehow doubt that you look Mom hag in your sweats, you are probably all freaking gorgeous when you think you look hag! You are beautiful.
Re: Amanda
Wow, Jen thanks! Trust me, make-up is my friend ) (Not even expensive make-up, the cheap Maybelline and Almay kind lol)! But I appreciate it. Most of the time I am in a pony tail, bangs in bobbypins, and sweats. Maybe I'm a cute mom hag and just don't know it hahaha.
I didn't think you were flaming me really. I just kinda wanted to make sure that GHM didn't think that I thought that she was a freak-weirdo that would let another mom feed her baby.