
Here is what our doc office said about the H1N1 vax.

Keep in mind there is a total shortage in TX, but they are only offering it to 2-3 yo who have siblings under 6 months.  Since it is the mist, Noah can not have it b/c of his history of wheezing.   (We weren't planning on it anyway though.)

Kinda interesting.   That is just coming from the front desk.  I didn't follow it up with pedi b/c we don't have any intention of getting it anyway.

Re: Here is what our doc office said about the H1N1 vax.

  • I'm in MA and it is not available here yet except for the mist.  My pedi is not giving the mist to anyone because he feels it is too risky.  However, DD can't get the mist at all due to asthmatic like symptoms.  We are on the priority wait list for the shot.
  • We are scheduled to get the boys the mist on 11/4. The pedi, said that it is recommended for anyone under the age of 9. I had no problem getting an appointment. It actually seemed like not many people are going to do it.
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  • I think all Dr.'s are doing it differently. My pedi got their first shipment of both mist and shot, and are giving it to kids that are high risk first, then when they get the next shipment they will do the rest of the kids.
    Julian David 8/7/06 and Isabella Mia 5/14/09
  • I got both kids the h1n1 shot today.  DS is 7 mo and DD is 3.5 years.  Our ped is rationing them because the government is not allowing them to get as many as they need.  They could not guarantee I could get the second dose in 1 month.  I have to call.  They said that if they couldn't get it, I could likely get it from our local (scary) health department.

    We all have the regular flu shot.

  • My pedi does not have it available... but we won't be getting it anyway. He said he could not really give me too many arguments why we should be getting it, but he thought we should. He is vaccinating his grandkids. 

    I would not be able to give the mist to the little one either because of wheezing.  

  • oparcm - I'm in MA too and we got it for the kids last week.   hope it's available to you soon!
  • imageaprilmomtobe:
    oparcm - I'm in MA too and we got it for the kids last week.   hope it's available to you soon!

    Thanks, I hope so too.  The dr. said the reason he doesn't have any is he chose not to get the mist and give it out.  Dd would have to wait for shot version anyway but at least she's on the wait list now.  Dd has never had the seasonal shot and they are out of that and don't expect that one anytime soon.  I've had the seasonal and the pneumonia shot and with asthma, I'll try to get the h1 but my priority is to get dd it. 

  • Trying to get appots. for all of this shots is proving difficult.
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