I had forgotten how awful this 2ww is. Oh, and I if I test when I'm supposed to (ya right) it will be the day of my DS birthday party and my in-laws will be visiting. Oh goody. Soooo, I'll either have to hide my joy or my sorrow. I'm using that as one of my many excuses to test early, is that wrong? Too bad, I've never been one to be patient!
So, anybody else in this lovely 2ww with me?
Re: Sigh, stupid 2ww...
I?m in the 2WW with you ? although AF will be arriving at any moment. Been cramping on and off since the weekend and even though she is a day late, I O?d 3 days later than last cycle, so I was expecting her to be late too. I hope you have better luck w/your 2WW.
I guess I am in the 2ww. I am not sure it will be good though. I dont know when the ovulation date is or was. the OPK test is always neg and the fertility friend is new and I have not had the right signs for O. Plus my stupid thermometer was saying 97.7 when I thought it was saving it but apparently it always is saying that and I was not turning a light on and looking in the morning!!!!!!!!! blah!! BLAH I am discouraged. Sorry for the vent. Lets 2ww together and I can check around Octo 5 probably. ggggrrr
I am right there with you too! Suprisingly I O'd right on track.. that is prior to my D & C. This month I O'd on the 13/14th day as compared to last month on the 18th day. I don't know. Personally, I am not holding my breathe this month. I am kind the slumps with this all this TTC thing. There is no more romance. It's just, give me your sperm honey! Plus, I am really stressed with crap at work, so I am sure this is going to play into the whole TTC this month!
So, when do you test? I will be testing on November 2nd... ugh, the wait begins!
Thank you everyone! It's so good to know that we're not alone. Let's hope we all get a BFP this cycle. The earliest I will test is Monday or Tuesday. Who am I kidding, I'll be testing Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday... My philosophy is test until BFP or AF. It does get expensive though