
Flu shot and preschool

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Re: Flu shot and preschool

  • Yes it would probably annoy.  I don't know about where you live but there is a MAJOR shortage of the seasonal flu shots here.
    Cheryl, Evan 4.25.05, Paige 7.2.07
  • Um, yes. And, why doesn't SHE just get the shots? She's considered "priority" b/c she's a childcare provider (and potentitally if she has a compromised immune system). What a PITA.


    ~Erica, Mommy to Peyton 9/06 & Cullen 9/09
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  • No, but ONLY because I believe that the government and news outlets have put the freakin fear of god into people about H1N1.  I have gotten to the point where I just take the comments in stride and don't answer people.

    My dd's preschool is actually administering the H1N1 nasal mist. I find that a little odd and over the top.  And I would not want to be the nurse who had to dose this to 3-4 year olds without their parents there.  DD freaked the f out when her doctor shot the regular mist up her nose, and I was holding her.

  • Yes it would annoy me. IF she has a compromised immune system, WHY did she choose teaching as a career?!
    Kaden William 11/4/06 and Dawson Michael 6/30/10
    Dawson's first birthday - at the zoo
  • No. I understand why it annoys you but as someone who is at high risk I understand being a little concerned. I'm 10 weeks preg and very sick (not holding down fluids or food), the swine flu could easily land me in the hospital. I know not everyone will vaccinate, but lots of people are bringing their kids to school anyways, even when they know they have h1n1. I think that's the worrisome part. I know to you it means missing a few days if work but to me or your teacher it could be a hospital stay and medical leave (for my husband).
  • I guess I should add, i would hope she is getting the shot if she is high risk.
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  • If my life was at stake I'm sure I would probably say the same thing.  Hopefully you are never in the same position as she is.  There are few job opportunities out there where you do not come into contact with sick people. 
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