
Medical Issue or 3 yo control?

DD has been potty trained for about 6 months, I think.

Lately, at home, she throws a fit when she needs to go to the bathroom.  In the morning, when she wakes up and at night when she goes to bed.

Last night, she went when we were out to dinner at 6:30, did not go before bed, was dry all night, would not go this morning, and then finally went at 7:30 this morning when I bribbed her with stickers.

She doesn't cry that it hurts or anything when she goes.  Daycare says she has no problem there.

I am thinking it is a control issue.

So what do I do?  Not make her go in the morning?  Not make her go before bed?  Unless she wants to?  She is pull-up free at night too.

Re: Medical Issue or 3 yo control?

  • its a control thing.  Don't ask her if she has to go or make her go.  Let her come to you and tell you that she has to go or remind her once like, "you're a big girl and you know how to use the potty so if you have to go let me know."  Can she go on her own?  You may try transferring the responsibility to her.  This might lead to a few accidents but is worth it IMO, its what I did.
  • imageHisBetterHalf:
    its a control thing.  Don't ask her if she has to go or make her go.  Let her come to you and tell you that she has to go or remind her once like, "you're a big girl and you know how to use the potty so if you have to go let me know."  Can she go on her own?  You may try transferring the responsibility to her.  This might lead to a few accidents but is worth it IMO, its what I did.

    I agree - just put it all in her control.  DS will go when he needs to, I don't do any reminding other than if we're leaving and going somewhere without quick access to a toilet (mall) or going to be in the car a long time.  I think  she's just getting more independent! Yea!  

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  • My DS can go a long time between potty breaks (much longer than me).  He rarely goes when he first gets up.  It's usually an hour later.  I do make him go before bed...but not immediately before.  It is usually before or after bath, dress for bed, read and then into bed. 

    Could she be associating bedtime potty with actually going to bed?  Obviously at school she knows she's not going to have to go to bed.  Does she cry in the am...or just doesn't have to go?  Maybe she throws a fit because she really doesn't have to go and you are making her...but it is hard for her to "perform" and she gets frustrated.

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